Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of City Planning to execute relevant agreements to receive grant funding from the Carbon Disclosure Project’s, Climate Resiliency Funds, for development of project plans and funding strategies for resiliency hubs, in the amount of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($25,000) dollars, and authorizing expenditures for this stated purpose.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh and the Department of City Planning are authorized to execute relevant agreements with the Carbon Disclosure Project’s, Climate Resiliency Funds and their fiscal sponsor, Multiplier, in the amount of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($25,000) dollars for the purpose of developing project plans and funding strategies for furthering Pittsburgh’s net zero energy ready facilities’ projects and the development of resiliency hubs at existing community centers. Monies from the grant agreement shall be deposited into the Grants Trust Fund 1129400406.48311.00.
Section 2. The Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh and the Department of City Planning are further authorized to enter into Agreements, or Contracts, or utilize existing Agreements or Contracts, for expenditures not to exceed TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND ($25,000) dollars for the purpose of developing projecting plans and funding strategies for furthering Pittsburgh’s net zero energy ready facilities’ projects and the development of resiliency hubs at existing community centers, under the terms of the agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and the Carbon Disclosure Project’s, Climate Resiliency Funds, chargeable to and payable from the appropriate expenditure line in the Grants Trust Fund account 1129400406.50000.00.