Resolution taking, appropriating and condemning by the City of Pittsburgh, for public roadway purposes certain property in the 5th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, owned by Brian and Donna Albert, located along Andover Terrace, and authorizing the payment of just compensation and necessary and incidental acquisition costs related thereto; and further authorizing, in lieu of eminent domain, the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into certain temporary and permanent easements on this property and other certain separate properties necessary for completion of temporary support work for land stabilization around Andover Terrace.
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Eminent Domain Code, 26 Pa. C.S. ? 101 et seq., authorizes the City of Pittsburgh to take by eminent domain private property for a public purpose; and
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania General Municipal Law, 53 P.S. ? 1081, authorizes the City of Pittsburgh to take by eminent domain private property for roadway purposes; and
WHEREAS, shifting land around Andover Terrace, a public street, endangers the stability of Andover Terrace and certain other public assets; and
WHEREAS, the City of Pittsburgh deems it proper and expedient to exercise the power of eminent domain for the acquisition of certain easement rights over a parcel located along Andover Terrace in fee simple hereinafter to be used for the express public purpose of mitigating land movement through installation and maintenance of sub-surface soil nails to prevent further risk to public assets and infrastructure, including Andover Terrace; and
WHEREAS, in lieu of taking by eminent domain, the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is authorized to enter into easements and other agreements for property rights as needed from this certain parcel and other parcels in the area necessary to complete a temporary stabilization project to mitigate land movement that threaten...
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