Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Directors of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Finance, on behalf of the City, to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with Peoples Natural Gas Company, LLC (“Peoples Natural Gas”), a Pennsylvania Corporation located at 375 North Shore Drive, Suite 600, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212, to grant a Permanent Easement and Temporary Easement to install and maintain natural gas pipelines and necessary accessories within the Diamond Street Parking Lot located between 5th Avenue and Diamond Street in the Central Business District (Block & Lot 2-F-290).
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Directors of the Department of Public Works and the Department of Finance, on behalf of the City, are authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with Peoples Natural Gas, to grant a Permanent Easement and Temporary Easement to install and maintain natural gas pipelines and necessary accessories within the City’s Diamond Street Parking Lot. The Easement and the Easement Area are depicted on the drawings that are attached hereto as Exhibit A.
In exchange for the granting of this Permanent Easement, Peoples Natural Gas agrees to pay for alternative temporary parking for displaced City employees for any parking space(s) unavailable as a result of Peoples Natural Gas requiring access to the Easement Area or Diamond Street Parking Lot. Additionally, Peoples Natural Gas will perform the following one-time service after Peoples Natural Gas’ initial installation of the natural gas pipelines in the Easement Area: 1) flush and clean the Diamond Street Parking Lot and 2) restripe the Diamond Street Parking Lot.
The Agreement shall be approved by the City Solicitor as to form.