Ordinance amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title 9, Zoning; Article III, Overlay Zoning District, Chapter 907: Development Overlay Districts, removing subsection 907.02.K for IPOD-6 Inclusionary Housing Overlay District and creating 907.04.A Inclusionary Housing Overlay District.
(Public Hearing held 6/2/21)
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title 9, Zoning; Article III, Overlay Zoning District, Chapter 907: Development Overlay Districts is hereby amended by removing subsection 907.02.K IPOD-6 Inclusionary Housing Overlay District as follows:
907.02. - IPOD, Interim Planning Overlay District.
907.02.A Intent
The intent of the IPOD is to provide a mechanism for interim zoning controls in geographically defined areas of the City where current use, height, area or procedural controls are found to be deficient, when other code provisions do not address such deficiencies, and when ongoing planning studies may inform the preparation of permanent controls which would be appropriate for the area.
907.02.B Application
1. Unless noted within the special IPOD District below, all use, height, and area provisions of the underlying zoning districts shall apply;
2. Unless noted with the special districts below, all provisions of Article I, Article V, Article VI, Article VII, Article VIII and Article IX of this Zoning Ordinance shall apply; and
3. In instances where there is found to be a conflict between the provisions of the IPOD and the underlying zoning district or Article I, Article V, Article VI, Article VII, Article VIII and Article IX, the more stringent of the regulations shall apply.
907.02.C Time Limit
An IPOD shall be in effect for no more than eighteen (18) months from its effective date, except that one (1) six-month extension may be granted by Council if requested by the City Planning Commission before the end of t...
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