Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine - Zoning, Article IX - Measurements or Definitions, Chapter 925 - Measurements by amending language to Sections 925.06.A, 925.06.G, and 925.07.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine - Zoning, Article IX - Measurements or Definitions, Chapter 925.06.A is hereby amended as follows:
925.06.A Features Allowed Within Setbacks
The following structures and features may be located within required setbacks:
1. Trees, shrubbery or other features of natural growth provided that they do not obstruct vehicular sight distances;
2. Open ornamental fences, hedges, landscape architectural features or guard railings around depressed ramps, in any required yard or court, if, except when in a closed court, maintained at a height of not more than four (4) feet above the ground level adjacent thereto;
3. Fences or lattice-work screens or walls not more than six and one-half (61/2) feet in height, or hedges or thick growth of shrubs, maintained so as not to exceed such height, in any required side or rear yard or court, provided they do not extend closer to a street than the buildable area of the lot. Barbed wire and razor edge are not permitted.
4. Railings not more than three and one-half (31/2) feet in height constructed on any balcony, stairway, porch or landing platform;
5. Driveways and sidewalks;
6. Signs, provided that they are specifically permitted by the sign regulations of this Code;
7. Bay windows, architectural design embellishments, and cantilevered floor areas of dwellings that do not project more than two (2) feet into the required setback;
8. Eaves that do not project more than two (2) feet into the required setback;
9. Entrance hoods, terraces, canopies and balconies that do not project more than five (5) feet into a required front or rear setback nor more than two (2) feet into a required side setback;
10. Chimneys, flues a...
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