Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article I, Zoning Districts in General, Article II, Base Zoning District, Chapter 904 Mixed Use Districts; Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 908 Public Realm Districts; Article V, Use Regulations, Chapter 911, Primary Uses, Section 911.02, Use Table; and Section 911.04, Use Standards; Article VI Development Standards, Chapter 914 Parking Loading and Access, Chapter 915, Environmental Performance Standards, and Chapter 919, Signs; and Article VIII Review and Enforcement, Chapter 922 Development Review Procedures; and Article IX, Chapter 926 Definitions, to create three new base zoning districts, and other zoning amendments.
(Public Hearing was recessed 9/14/22)
(Reconvened Public Hearing was held 12/5/22)
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. Amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning
Map by changing certain parcels from R1A-VH Single-Unit Attached Residential Very High Density, R2-H Two-Unit Residential High Density, R3-M Three-Unit Residential Moderate Density, RM-H Multi-Unit Residential High Density, OPR-A Oakland Public Realm - Subdistrict A, OPR-C Oakland Public Realm - Subdistrict C, OPR-D Oakland Public Realm - Subdistrict to UC-E Urban Center - Employment, UC-MU Urban Center - Mixed Use, R-MU (Residential - Mixed Use), and P (Parks) in the Central, West, and North Oakland neighborhood as prescribed within the attached map for district and maximum height limits.
Section 2 Amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning Map, by adding certain properties as identified as mapped in a supplemental document, and generally to include the official boundaries of the following neighborhoods as mapped by the City of Pittsburgh's Geographic Information Systems Division of the Department of Innovation and Performance:, North Oakland, West ...
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