Resolution providing for an Agreement(s) and Contract(s) with HR&A Advisors to assist the City to plan and develop a Housing Needs Assessment. The Housing Needs Assessment is both an update to the 2015 Housing Needs Assessment and a COVID19 impact analysis, which can and will identify and examine current and future housing needs essential as the City embarks on its first-ever citywide plan, ForgingPGH. Payment at a cost thereof not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($100,000.00).
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of City Planning are hereby authorized to enter into contract and hire consultant HR&A Advisors to develop a Housing Needs Assessment. The study should be executed for a sum not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars. This cost includes community outreach, inventory/analysis, alternatives, and final assessment.
Section 2. Monies used for the Agreement with a consultant in furtherance of the Housing Needs Assessment will be chargeable to and payable from the following accounts:
JDE Account Information
Amount JD Edwards #
$100,000.00 Professional & Technical Services 11101.110000.53.53901.2020