Resolution amending Resolution No. 773 of 2017 (effective February 10, 2017), which authorized the City of Pittsburgh to enter into a Professional Service Agreement(s) with O'Brien, Rulis & Bochicchio, LLC for the purpose of providing legal services in connection with the defense of certain workers' compensation matters and claims brought against the city, by increasing the cost by $600,000.00 for 2 additional years of services and by updating the firm's name.
Sections 1 and 2 of Resolution No. 773 of 2017, entitled "Resolution providing that the City of Pittsburgh enter into a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contracts with O'Brien, Rulis and Bochicchio, for the purpose of providing legal services in connection with the defense of certain workers' compensation matters and claims brought against the city, under the Workers' Compensation Act; and providing for payment of the cost thereof not to exceed $1,200,000.00," is hereby amended as follows:
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contracts with O'Brien, Rulis & Bochicchio, LLC, in a form authorized by the City Solicitor. Counsel shall engage in legal services for defense of workers' compensation and Heart and Lung Act claims, to include subrogation, against the City at a cost not to exceed One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollard ($1,800,000.00). This amount shall be chargeable to and payable from Workers' Compensation Program as follows:
2017: $300,000.00 from 9993817000.52309.00, Item 22222-9
2018: $300,000.00 from 9993817000.52309.00, Item 22222-9
2019: $300,000.00 from 9993817000.52309.00, Item 22222-9
2020: $300,000.00 from 9993817000.52309.00, Item 22222-9
2021: $300,000.00 from 9993817000.52309.00, Item 22222-9
2022: $300,000.0...
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