Resolution amending Resolution 747 effective November 9, 2018 providing for an Agreement or Agreements with various community organizations for operational/administrative expenses, maintenance, purchase of equipment; and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities; and for administrative/operational costs, maintenance, purchase of equipment, and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities of various departmental programs/projects for the benefit of the residents of the City of Pittsburgh, at a cost not to exceed $735,000.00: as to transfer within the job number name change shall read as follows:"Washington Heights Ecumenical Food Bank" (-$2,500.00) to "St. Mary of the Mount Church/Washington Heights Ecumenical Food Bank(+$ 2,500.00).
A resolution amending Resolution 747 effective November 9, 2018, which presently reads as follows:
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements, in a form approved by the City Solicitor, with the following various community organizations for operational/administrative expenses; maintenance, and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities; and for administrative/operational costs, maintenance, purchase of equipment, and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities of various departmental programs/projects for the benefit of residents of the City of Pittsburgh, at a cost not to exceed $735,000.00, chargeable to and payable from the 2018 Community Development Block Grant Program and the listed code accounts in the City Council.
See Attachment
Original Budget
Changes + or -
Revised Budget
City Council
ACH Clear Pathways
African American Chamber of Commerce
Aleph Institute
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