| 1 | | Proclamation | WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, sponsored by the Irish Society for Education and Charity Inc. and the St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee with Parade Sponsors Allegheny County Airport Authority, the City of Pittsburgh, The Buncher Company, Trebuchet Consulting, Moran and Moran Law, Showhorse, Inc, Rome Monument, Seubert Agency, Skywalk Equipment, Hefron-Tillotson, Nuthatch Studio, Impact Consulting Solutions and Teamsters Local 249 will be held on Saturday, March 12, 2022, and, | Adopted | Pass |
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| 1 | | Proclamation | WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Pittsburgh continues to strive for equitable levels of construction and economic growth; and, | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Proclamation | WHEREAS, Andy Henderson is a lifelong Pittsburgher; and, | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance, amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh City Code at Title Two: Fiscal, Article VII: Business Related Taxes, by adding chapter 257: Medical and Higher-Education Facilities User Privilege Tax, pursuant to the Authority of the Local Tax Enabling Act, 1965, December 31, P.L. 1257, et seq. and the City of Pittsburgh Home Rule Charter.
(Needs to be held for a Public Hearing) | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution for the creation of a special trust fund to be known as the “City of Pittsburgh Infrastructure Fund, for the deposit of funds to be used for the improvement, maintenance, creation, and operation of infrastructure owned by the City of Pittsburgh. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for a third supplemental agreement with Michael Baker for Contract Administration and Construction Inspection Service costs associated with the Small Grants Projects Agreement and providing for the payment of costs thereof relating to Washington Boulevard Trail, not to exceed Seventy Two Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Three dollars and Fifty Three cents ($72,153.53); a Ten Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Nine Dollar and Sixty Six Cent ($10,469.66) increase from the previous agreement. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 483 of 2018, which authorized a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contract(s) with Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC for professional consulting services for federal government affairs and legislative services, by extending the term for two additional years and by increasing the authorized amount by $124,000. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 484 of 2018, which authorized a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contract(s) with Malady & Wooten, Inc. for professional consulting services for state government affairs and legislative services, by extending the term for two years and by increasing the authorized amount by $132,000. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 478 of 2021, which authorized the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service and the Director of the Department of Innovation and Performance to enter into amended Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contract(s) with Ceridian, Human Capital Management, Inc., by increasing the not to exceed amount by $331,227.00 for services relating to the benefits module and its implementation. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Exponent, Inc., P.O. Box 200283, Dept. 002, Dallas, TX 75320-0283 for professional engineering services in connection with claims and litigation for the Fern Hollow Bridge, in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Seventy Five Dollars and No Cents ($175,000.00).
(Executive Session held 3-23-22) | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of International Trauma Life Support Pennsylvania, c/o UPMC Hamot, 3330 Peach Street, Suite 202, Erie, PA 16508, in an amount not to exceed SIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($6,600.00), for trauma and life support certifications necessary to the mission of the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into an Amended Agreement or Agreements with the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) for training and certification services regarding Department of Public Safety boat operations at a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($559,000) and providing for the payment of the costs thereof. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 674 of 2020 authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter into an Amended License Agreement or Agreements between the City of Pittsburgh and Plaza at Grandview Owner’s Association at a cost not to exceed One Hundred Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($104,400). Resolution No. 674 must be amended in order to correct applicable funding accounts in future lease years. | Read and referred | |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Finance and Law for March 2, 2022 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution establishing the Pittsburgh Affordable Housing Implementation and Finance Committee. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Ronald James Madero, c/o Jeremy A. Mercer, 6 PPG Place, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and no cents ($125,000.00) relating to the full and final settlement of a case filed in the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania at 2:19-cv-700.
(Executive Session held 2/23/22) | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution further amending Resolution No. 647 of 2020, effective December 23, 2020, as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2021 Capital Budget and the 2021 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2021 through 2026 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing BRIDGE UPGRADES by $1,700,000 and increasing 30th STREET BRIDGE by $1,700,000. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution further amending Resolution No. 886 of 2021, effective December 27, 2021, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2022 Capital Budget and the 2022 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2022 through 2027 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing BRIDGE PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION FUND (TIP) by $800,000 and increasing 30TH STREET BRIDGE (TIP) by $800,000. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 713 of 2021, authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Finance to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into an Amended Agreement of Sale with Smith & Bowen, and all documents necessary, to purchase 80 Wabash St. along with two vacant parcels adjacent thereto for a total amount not to exceed $374,000, which includes the purchase price of $344,000 plus up to $30,000 in acquisition costs, for the purpose of continued operation of the City’s West End Healthy Active Living Center (Senior Center). | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution repealing items in Resolutions approved on various dates, which authorized the sale of property in various wards of the City of Pittsburgh, due to an incompletion of sale.
Item A: A: 7110 Race. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the conveyance by the City of Pittsburgh of certain property, having been placed for sale to adjoining property owners in conjunction with the City of Pittsburgh Side Yard Program. ITEMS A and B: A: 220 Carver, B: 7127 Race. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Public Works for March 2, 2022 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for an agreement with CDM Smith for Construction Inspection and Contract Administration Services for the 30th Street Bridge Preservation Project; and providing for the payment of the costs thereof, not to exceed Three Hundred Eight-Four Thousand Four Hundred and One Dollars and Twenty-Four Cents ($384,401.24). | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending resolution No. 662 of 2019 entitled “Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh, and the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to apply for a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County’s (RAAC) Gaming Economic Development fund for up to $500,000.00 to provide funding for the construction of a pedestrian bridge at Davis Avenue” to accept the grant and authorize necessary expenditures. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh and the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to receive grant funding from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission under the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program Funding for the Frankstown Avenue Signal Replacement Project in the amount of THREE MILLION THREE HUNDRED TWENTY TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE ($3,322,679.00) dollars for this stated purpose. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending resolution No. 659 of 2019 entitled “Resolution authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh, and the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to apply for a grant from the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County’s (RAAC) Gaming Economic Development fund for up to $500,000.00 to provide funding for the development of the West End Trolley Trail” to accept the grant and authorize necessary expenditures. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs for March 2, 2022 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 201 of 2021, entitled “Resolution providing for an Agreement with the Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh, to provide training on the Fair Housing Act to staff of the City of Pittsburgh, Urban Redevelopment Authority, and/or Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, and to private landlords operating in Pittsburgh; and, to provide quarterly presentations and technical assistance on the Fair Housing Act to staff of the City of Pittsburgh, Urban Redevelopment Authority, and/or Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($259,000.00)” to change the funding source for budget years 2022 through 2024 to the CDBG ADMINISTRATION line item. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details