| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the issuance of a warrant in the total sum of Fifty Five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00) in favor of Will El & Todd J. Hollis, c/o Todd J. Hollis, Esquire, as final settlement of all claims, costs, and fees related to this Plaintiff only in the police related action filed at 2:15-cv-00834 in the US District Court which has been pending in multiple stages of litigation since 2015.
(Executive Session held 3/30/21) | Held for Executive Session | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Joann Ducouer and her attorney, Bernard C. Caputo, Esquire, in the amount of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($12,500.00) in full and final settlement of litigation filed at GD 14-010902 in the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County.
(Executive Session held 3/30/21) | Held for Executive Session | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Chris Boyle Law Enforcement Consulting, LLC, 1759 Fort Washington Avenue, Ambler, PA for professional consulting services in connection with litigation for an amount not to exceed Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00).
(Executive Session held 3/30/21) | AMENDED BY SUBSTITUTE | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Chris Boyle Law Enforcement Consulting, LLC, 1759 Fort Washington Avenue, Ambler, PA for professional consulting services in connection with litigation for an amount not to exceed Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($13,000.00).
(Executive Session held 3/30/21) | Held for Executive Session | Pass |
Action details
Item 45
| 1 | | Invoices | P-Cards | | |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance supplementing the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances, Title One -- Administrative, Article III - Organization, Chapter 116: Department of Public Safety, to add a new subsection, § 116.17 - “Prohibition on the Execution of ‘No-Knock’ Warrants”, by requiring all City police officers, when executing any warrant, to physically knock and announce the presence of police before entering a premises.”
(Executive Session held 2/1/21) | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 36 of 2019, amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title 6: Conduct, Article III: Dogs, cats and other animals, by repealing Chapter 639: Crocodilians and Venomous Snakes in its entirety and adding a new Chapter 639: Crocodilian Species and Red-Eared Sliders, prohibiting the keeping, sale, exchange, adoption, exchange or transfer of such animals in the city of Pittsburgh. | Waived under the Rules of Council | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 36 of 2019, amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title 6: Conduct, Article III: Dogs, cats and other animals, by repealing Chapter 639: Crocodilians and Venomous Snakes in its entirety and adding a new Chapter 639: Crocodilian Species and Red-Eared Sliders, prohibiting the keeping, sale, exchange, adoption, exchange or transfer of such animals in the city of Pittsburgh. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution further amending Resolution No. 647 of 2020, effective December 23, 2020, as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2021 Capital Budget and the 2021 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2021 through 2026 Capital Improvement Program”, by increasing BRIDGE UPGRADES by $190,000. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution approving the recommendation made by the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure that Hermitage Street be paved with asphalt in accordance with Section 417.06 of the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for a reimbursement agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for costs associated with the construction phase of the 30th Street Bridge construction project, and providing for the payment of municipal incurred costs thereof, not to exceed One Million Six Hundred Thousand ($1,600,000.00) dollars; and the municipal share of Commonwealth Incurred Costs not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred ($2,500.00) dollars. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine: Zoning Code, Article VI: Development Standards, Chapter 914: Parking, Loading, and Access by adding a new section 914.09.J: Parking Access for Single-Unit Attached Residential Uses to require rear or side access to off-street parking spaces for single-family attached dwellings.
(Public Hearing held 4/21/2021) | Held for Cablecast Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director the Department of Human Resources and Civil Service to enter into a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contract(s) with NEOGOV for the upgrade and continual maintenance of software for HR workforce management, applicant tracking, and Civil Service testing, and providing for the payment of the costs thereof. Cost not to exceed $88,698.41. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for proposed land development located at 3209 & 3211 Dobson Street at the parcels numbered 26-E-40 & 26-E-41, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Catherine Terrace at 618/620/622/624 Elmore St & 621/623/625/627 Perry St, Pittsburgh, PA 15219. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for 5007 Lytle Street, 15th Ward, Pittsburgh, PA 15207. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for an Agreement with the Fair Housing Partnership of Greater Pittsburgh, to provide training on the Fair Housing Act to staff of the City of Pittsburgh, Urban Redevelopment Authority, and/or Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, and to private landlords operating in Pittsburgh; and, to provide quarterly presentations and technical assistance on the Fair Housing Act to staff of the City of Pittsburgh, Urban Redevelopment Authority, and/or Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, in an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($259,000.00). | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details