| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title I--Administrative, Article VII, Chapter 161--Contracts, Section 161.33,-Required Provisions in Certain Construction Contracts; Title 2, Article I, Chapter 201, Section 201.11-Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Registration and Title I--Administrative, Article IX, Chapter 177A--Equal Opportunity Review Commission by making various changes. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the continued designation of a Downtown Pittsburgh Business Improvement District for the area shown on Exhibit "A" at the behest of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, a coalition of property owners, business leaders, retailers, civic organizations, and residents. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code, Title One, Administrative, Article VII, Procedures, Section 161.40 to shift oversight of veteran-owned small businesses from the Department of Finance to the Bureau of Neighborhood Empowerment. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement or agreements in an amount not to exceed Thirty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Dollars ($39,280) with Shift Collaborative, for the preliminary buildout of a Municipal/City ID. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending and supplementing Resolution number 479 of 2013, as amended entitled “Resolution Providing for an Agreement or Agreements, or use of existing Agreements and/or a Contract or Contracts, or use of existing Contracts, and for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, and/or services for various projects in connection with the City Council Neighborhood Needs Program in Council District 7; and providing for the payment of the costs thereof” so as to transfer $2,000 to Polish Hill Civic Association. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution further amending and supplementing Resolution 855 of 2011 entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2012 Capital Budget and the 2012 Community Development Block Grant Program” so as to transfer $2,000 to Polish Hill Civic Association from District 7 Neighborhood Needs. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the issuance of a warrant in favor of Municipal Code Corporation in the amount of $4,831.24 in payment for services in connection with the codification of Ordinances. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh City Code, Title VII Business Licensing, Article X Rental of Residential Housing, Chapter 781 Residential Housing Rental Permit Program by repealing the current Chapter and replacing with a new Chapter 781 Residential Housing Rental Permit Program. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and the Chief of Police, on the behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation, Division of Highway Safety, Police Traffic Services Grant (Federal Fiscal Year 2016), for the purpose of receiving grant funds in the amount of one hundred ninety thousand dollars ($190,000.00) that will be used for Driving Under the Influence enforcement and outreach activities. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor, Director of the Department of Public Safety, and the Chief of Police, on the behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a grant agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), for the purpose of receiving grant funds in the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand ($250,000.00) that will be used for Body Worn Camera Program Enhancement. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title 4 - Public Places and Property, Article I, Public Rights -of -Way, CHAPTER 416: - OBSTRUCTIONS, by adding a new section at 416.05 (a) et seq. requiring no less than a ten (10) day notice of a pending major street obstruction permit to be provided to the City Council; written notice to businesses and or residents within the impacted area; and providing for a waiver of said requirements in the event of an emergency. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to create a Veteran Banner Program to waive or reduce certain fees per Section 416.02 of the Pittsburgh Code to hang banners approved by the Director of Public Works at specific approved locations in City of Pittsburgh. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 435, effective July 14, 2015, entitled: Resolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with various community organizations for operational/administrative expenses, maintenance, purchase of equipment; and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities; and for administrative/operational costs, maintenance, purchase of equipment, and/or rehabilitation of neighborhood facilities of various departmental programs/projects for the benefit of residents of the City of Pittsburgh, at a cost not to exceed $918,650.00; so as to transfer funds in City Council from: “District 1 Equipment” (-$5,000.00) and “Northside Leadership Conference” (-$5,000.00); and transfer these funds to “Northside Leadership Conference/Historic Gallery” (+$10,000.00). | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 508, effective July 23, 2015 entitled: providing for the filing of a Community Development statement by the City of Pittsburgh with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for a grant in connection with the 2010 Community Development Block Grant Program; providing for the execution of grant contracts and for the filing of other data providing for required assurances; providing for execution of payment vouchers on letter of credit and for certification of authorized signature; the deposit of the funds in a bank account and providing for the payment of expenses within categories, so as to transfer funds within City Council from: “District 1 Equipment” (-$5,000.00) and “Northside Leadership Conference” (-$5,000.00) and transfer these funds to “Northside Leadership Conference/Historic Gallery”(+$10,000.00). | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to enter into a professional services agreement to develop a 40-Year Facilities Optimization Plan and Investment Strategy for the City of Pittsburgh at a cost not to exceed $1,000,000.00. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the issuance of a warrant in favor of Granicus, Inc. in the amount of $17,700.96 in payment for the annual maintenance agreement and other services related to the legislative tracking software used by the City Clerk’s Office. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Hotel Indigo, 329 Technology Drive, City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15222. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Advanced Technologies Center, 50 33rd Street , Pittsburgh (6th Ward), Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15201. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Emerald on Centre Apartments, 5739 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh (8th Ward), Allegheny County, Pennsylvania 15206. | AFFIRMATIVELY RECOMMENDED | Pass |
Action details