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Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/19/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
2024-1208 1 ProclamationWHEREAS, the Brave Women Project was created to develop opportunities for women of diverse backgrounds to move into brave action through conscious choice and intentionality within our sphere of influence. and,AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
2024-1205 1 Will of CouncilWHEREAS, labor unions are critical in protecting workers and ensuring that workers are paid a living wage, given better working conditions, and provided a voice on the job; AND,AdoptedPass Action details Video Video
2024-1187 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 334 of 2022, which authorized the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety to enter into an amended agreement or agreements with Julota for software subscription-based client relations management services, by increasing the total not-to-exceed amount by SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY-ONE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-TWO CENTS ($64,451.72) for a new total not to exceed TWO HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE DOLLARS AND SEVENTY-TWO CENTS ($204,431.72) over three years. (Waiver of Competitive Process Received)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1214 1 OrdinanceOrdinance amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article V, Use Regulations, Chapter 911, Primary Uses, Section 911.02, Use Table, by adding a new use, “Interim Housing”, and supplementing Section 911.04, “Use Standards”, by adding standards for the same. (Sent to the Planning Commission for a Report and Recommendation on 11/25/24)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1188 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 414-2023, authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to adopt an existing government agreement through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program and to enter into any related agreement or agreements and amendments thereto as necessary with Carahsoft Technology Corp. for Google Cloud subscription services, Google Assured Workloads to provide secure storage for sensitive data on the City’s cloud platform, and to add Astronomer cloud scheduling, tools, training, and installation services, by increasing the approved amount by Six Million Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-Four Dollars ($6,870,384) for an amended total cost not-to-exceed Eleven Million Four Hundred Sixty-Nine Thousand Two Hundred Eight Dollars and Thirty-Eight Cents ($11,469,208.38) over eight years.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1189 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into Startup Participation Agreements with selected entities as part of the cohorts of PGH Lab and further authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance to enter into Program Participation Agreements with local municipal entities to allow such entities to test products and services through PGH Lab, at a total cost not-to-exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) over 1 year.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1190 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 848-2023, authorizing the Mayor and the Directors of the Department of Innovation & Performance, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into an agreement or agreements or amendments thereto with RecDesk LLC, to provide permitting and scheduling enterprise software, by increasing the approved amount by Seventy-Two Thousand Dollars ($72,000) for an amended total cost not-to-exceed Ninety-Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($96,500) over four years.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1191 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the fee schedule for 2025 pursuant to Chapter 170 of the City Code. (Public Hearing held 12-12-24)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1192 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Enterprise Mobility d/b/a Enterprise Rent-a-Car in an amount not to exceed SIX THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED NINETY-TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY-ONE CENTS ($6,692.51) over one year, in full and final settlement of a claim (24C-0129) for damage and business loss of use of a rental vehicle from an accident with a City ES vehicle on Bigelow Boulevard on November 18, 2023. (Executive Session held 11/19/24)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1193 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 523 of 2024, which reappropriated federal American Rescue Plan funding, by updating the approved projects as outlined in Exhibit A, version 9. (Public Hearing held 12/9/24)Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Video Video
2024-1193 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 523 of 2024, which reappropriated federal American Rescue Plan funding, by updating the approved projects as outlined in Exhibit A, version 9. (Public Hearing held 12/9/24)Read and referred  Action details
2024-1194 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 525 of 2024, which authorized an American Rescue Plan Act Agreement or Agreements with the Pittsburgh Parking Authority (“PPA”), by updating the approved projects lines at no additional cost.Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Video Video
2024-1194 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 525 of 2024, which authorized an American Rescue Plan Act Agreement or Agreements with the Pittsburgh Parking Authority (“PPA”), by updating the approved projects lines at no additional cost.Read and referred  Action details
2024-1195 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a supplemental agreement or agreements with CDR Maguire, Inc., for Project Design Management Services and Reviews in connection with various City of Pittsburgh projects to add funding for the Preliminary Engineering phase increasing the total not to exceed to Three Million Seven Hundred Eleven Thousand Two Hundred Fifty-Six Dollars and Seventy-Three Cents ($3,711,256.73), a net increase of One Hundred Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Dollars and Ten Cents ($100,360.10), reimbursable at 95%.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1196 1 ResolutionResolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with Hill Community Development Corporation for costs associated with RAISE Hill District Project, and providing for the payment of costs thereof, not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), reimbursable at eighty percent.Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Video Video
2024-1196 1 ResolutionResolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with Hill Community Development Corporation for costs associated with RAISE Hill District Project, and providing for the payment of costs thereof, not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00), reimbursable at eighty percent.Read and referred  Action details
2024-1197 1 ResolutionResolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with Larson Design Group Inc. for costs associated with RAISE Hill District Project, and providing for the payment of costs thereof, not to exceed Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00), reimbursable at eighty percent.Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Video Video
2024-1197 1 ResolutionResolution providing for an Agreement or Agreements with Larson Design Group Inc. for costs associated with RAISE Hill District Project, and providing for the payment of costs thereof, not to exceed Two Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,500,000.00), reimbursable at eighty percent.Read and referred  Action details
2024-1198 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the City of Planning to enter into an agreement(s) and/or contract(s) with Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (PCRG) for the purpose of utilizing an AmeriCorps VISTA in the Department of City Planning at a cost not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) over one year. (Waiver of Competitive Process Received)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1199 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of City of Planning to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with “With An Eye Design” for the creation and installation of public art in the Beechview neighborhood, at a total cost not to exceed Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000).Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1200 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of City of Planning to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with Shiftworks Community + Public Arts for the management of a competitive process and distribution of City of Pittsburgh allocated funds for the creation and installation of public art along the University Line corridor, at a total cost not to exceed One Hundred and Eighty-Five Thousand Dollars ($185,000).Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1201 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the City of Planning to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with YOGAMOTIF for the creation and installation of public art in the Hill District neighborhood, at a total cost not to exceed Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000).Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1206 1 ResolutionResolution approving the recommendation made by the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure that Children’s Way and Allegheny Square East, in the neighborhood of Allegheny Center, Twenty-Second Ward, be paved with asphalt from origin to terminus in accordance with Section 417.06 of the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1207 1 ResolutionResolution providing for the continued designation of a Downtown Pittsburgh Business Improvement District for the area shown on Exhibit "A" at the behest of the Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, a coalition of property owners, business leaders, retailers, civic organizations, and residents. (Public Hearing held 12/9/24)Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1209 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 863 of 2018, effective January 1, 2019, as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2019 Capital Budget and the 2019 Community Development Block Grant Program; approving the 2017 through 2022 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing SHERADEN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH by seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00), SAINT ANDREW’S LUTHERAN CHURCH by two thousand five hundred and five dollars ($2,505.00), NEIGHBORHOOD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT by four thousand three hundred dollars and twenty-nine cents ($4,300.29), and HIGHER ACHIEVEMENT INC by ten thousand five hundred dollars ($10,500.00), and increasing PITTSBURGH HIRES VETERANS by four thousand five hundred dollars ($4,500.00), STOREHOUSE FOR TEACHERS DBA THE EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP by five thousand and five dollars ($5,005.00), BROOKLINE MEALS ON WHEELS by four thousand three hundred dollars and twenty-nine cents ($4,300.29), FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), and BROTHERS AND SISTERS EMERGING by four thousand dollars ($4,000.00), and YMCA HOMEWOOD by four thouRead and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1210 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 840 of 2019, effective January 1, 2020 as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2020 Capital Budget and the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program; approving the 2020 through 2025 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing CITYVIEW CHURCH by five-thousand five-hundred dollars ($5,500.00) and increasing ST. MICHAEL'S FOOD BANK by five-thousand five-hundred dollars ($5,500.00), and authorize subsequent agreements.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1211 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 647 of 2020, effective December 23, 2020, as amended, entitled "Resolution adopting and approving the 2021 Capital Budget and the 2021 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2021 through 2026 Capital Improvement Program" by reducing SHERADEN COMMUNITY COUNCIL by two thousand seven hundred dollars ($2,700.00) and increasing NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND ON BEHALF OF THE NORTHSIDE CHRONICLE by five hundred forty dollars ($540.00), NORTHSIDE YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION by five hundred forty dollars ($540.00), OPEN FIELD by five hundred forty dollars ($540.00), PITTSBURGH HIGHER GROUND FOUNDATION by five hundred forty dollars ($540.00), and ALLEGHENY YMCA by five hundred forty dollars ($540.00), and authorize subsequent agreements.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1212 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 886 of 2021, effective December 27, 2021, as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2022 Capital Budget and the 2022 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2022 through 2027 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing PREVENTION POINT by five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and increasing BROOKLINE MEALS ON WHEELS by five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), and authorize subsequent agreements.Read and referred  Action details Video Video
2024-1213 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Controller to encumber funds budgeted in the 2024 Operating Budget for a disparity study, for subsequent expenditure once the procurement process is complete, Council authorizes the execution of an agreement and said agreement is duly executed and countersigned.Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Video Video
2024-1213 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Controller to encumber funds budgeted in the 2024 Operating Budget for a disparity study, for subsequent expenditure once the procurement process is complete, Council authorizes the execution of an agreement and said agreement is duly executed and countersigned.Read and referred  Action details
2024-1202 1 Appointment-InformingResolution informing City Council of the reappointment of Elizabeth Fishback as a Member of the Pittsburgh Parking Authority Board of Directors with a term to expire November 1, 2028.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1203 1 Appointment-Requiring VoteResolution appointment of Ronald Porter as a Member of the Equal Opportunity Review Commission with a term to expire November 1, 2028.Held, Pending InterviewPass Action details Video Video
2024-1204 1 CommunicationCommunication from Jake Pawlak, Director of Office of Management and Budget, submitting to City Council the attached status update from the Grants Office for the week ended November 15, 2024.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1182 1 ReportReport of the Committee on Finance and Law for November 13, 2024 with an Affirmative Recommendation.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1118 1 OrdinanceOrdinance amending Title One: Administrative, Article IX: Boards, Commissions and Authorities, Chapter 177C: Gender Equity Commission in order to align scope of work with the jurisdiction of the City Government and ensure inclusivity in the Commission’s actions and membership.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1183 1 ReportReport of the Committee on Public Safety and Wellness for November 13, 2024 with an Affirmative Recommendation.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1113 2 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of Public Safety to enter into a Professional Service Agreement or Agreements with United Diagnostics Services, for professional services relating to voluntary health screenings for all Bureau of Fire personnel, for a total cost not to exceed ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($1,178,00125.00) over five years.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1184 1 ReportReport of the Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure for November 13, 2024 with an Affirmative Recommendation.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1120 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with the Recycling Partnership for the purpose of receiving grant funds in the amount not to exceed TWO HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND ($210,000.00) dollars and in-kind support from the Recycling Partnership in amount not to exceed ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND ($125,000.00) dollars for public outreach around the City’s recycling services.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1121 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the purpose of receiving grant funds from the Community and Economic Assistance Program in an amount not to exceed FIFTY THOUSAND ($50,000.00) dollars for renovations to the Lewis Playground.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1122 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 466 of 2020, which authorized the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Studio Zewde for professional landscape architectural services for Homewood Park Infrastructure Upgrades, by increasing the overall cost by Eleven Thousand One Hundred Sixteen Dollars and Eighty Cents ($11,116.80) for a new City cost not to exceed One Million Eight Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy-Two Dollars and Seventy Cents ($1,864,472.70) over one (1) year.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1124 1 ResolutionResolution granting unto PITTSBURGH NMR INSTITUTE, their successors and assigns, the privilege and license to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense, at no cost to the City, a retaining wall, tree planter box walls and concrete steps at 3221 Forbes Avenue, in the 4th Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1125 1 ResolutionResolution granting unto UPMC PRESBYTERIAN SHADYSIDE, their successors and assigns, the privilege and license to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense, at no cost to the City, a new site wall with (3) three planters, (2) site signs, a landscaped island, a light, (3) three concrete benches, and a planting bed that will extend into the right-of-way at 3701 5th Avenue, in the 4th Ward, 1st 8th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1126 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution 468, approved September 6, 2022, granting unto UNITED STATE GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, their successors and assigns, the privilege and license to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense, at no cost to the City, to install shallow foundation wedge vehicle barriers and a card reader along with existing security compliant bollards, a post and beam rail and a swing gate, at 1000 Liberty Avenue, in the 2nd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1171 1 ResolutionResolution providing for an agreement or agreements with Dimonoff, Inc. for costs associated with the Lighting Management System project; providing for the payment of the costs thereof, not to exceed Three Million Five Hundred Twenty-Three Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($3,523,162.50).Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1185 1 ReportReport of the Committee on Land Use and Economic Development for November 13, 2024 with an Affirmative Recommendation.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-0983 1 ResolutionResolution approving a Conditional Use Application under the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article V, Chapter 911, Section 911.04.A.22 to the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, property owner, for authorization to conduct an Excavation/Grading/Fill, Major use at 1096 Goodman Street, Parcels 129-F-1 and 129-J-150, zoned “RP”, Residential Planned Unit Developments, 14th Ward, Council District No. 5. (Public Hearing held 11/6/24)Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1114 1 ResolutionResolution further amending Resolution No. 863 of 2018, effective January 1, 2019, as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2019 Capital Budget and the 2019 Community Development Block Grant Program, and the 2019 through 2024 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing CONSULTANTS FOR PLANS AND STUDIES by four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) and increasing FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS - RECREATION AND SENIOR CENTERS by four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00)).Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1135 2 ResolutionResolution Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to Enter into an Agreement with the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, allowing the Land Bank to independently Access City-Owned Properties Managed and Maintained pursuant to the Three Taxing Bodies (TTB) Agreement, for the Purpose of Streamlining Property Assessments and Facilitating Redevelopment.AMENDEDPass Action details Video Video
2024-1135 2 ResolutionResolution Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to Enter into an Agreement with the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, allowing the Land Bank to independently Access City-Owned Properties Managed and Maintained pursuant to the Three Taxing Bodies (TTB) Agreement, for the Purpose of Streamlining Property Assessments and Facilitating Redevelopment.Passed Finally, As AmendedPass Action details
2024-1186 1 ReportReport of the Committee on Intergovernmental and Educational Affairs for November 13, 2024 with an Affirmative Recommendation.Read, Received and FiledPass Action details Video Video
2024-1115 1 ResolutionResolution granting unto SPORTS & EXHIBITION AUTHORITY OF PITTSBURGH their successors and assigns, the privilege and license to construct, maintain and use at their own cost and expense, at no cost to the City, raised entrances with flat landings, railings, and stairs, a stair wall and bollards located at the building loading dock, a stair wall with handrail located near the building entrance and a vault will be constructed in the right-of-way at 1201 Wylie Ave, in the 3rd Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1116 1 ResolutionResolution providing for a Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with Pittsburgh Regional Transit in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand ($100,000) dollars to support the development of an Equitable Transit-Oriented Development program around a to-be-completed new station on the East Busway at Brushton Street.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1117 1 ResolutionResolution amending Resolution Number 525 of 1990, effective May 24, 1990, entitled, “Authorizing the Mayor and the Director, Department of Public Works to execute a long-term agreement with the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) and the Township of North Fayette to enlarge the area serviced by the Sanitary Authority to provide sewage treatment services for the above, located in the Township of North Fayette”, by authorizing the Mayor and the Director, Department of Public Works to execute an Amended Agreement with ALCOSAN and the Township of North Fayette (the “Township”) in a form substantially similar to the Agreement attached as “Attachment A”.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1119 2 ResolutionResolution authorizing the City’s acceptance of a deed and/or deeds conveying all right, title, and interest, if any, in three parcels located in Council District 3 and the 17th Ward being identified as Block 3-B, Lot 100, Block 3-C, Lot 182, and Block 12-A, Lot 130, from the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh to the City of Pittsburgh at no cost to the City.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1123 1 ResolutionResolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into an Agreement, Agreements, and/or Amendments with the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (“PWSA”) for the purpose of Municipal Sewer Compliance at Volunteers Ballfield in the Carrick neighborhood, at a City cost not to exceed Four Hundred and Eighty-Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eight Dollars ($486,808.00) over a period of one (1) year.Passed FinallyPass Action details Video Video
2024-1216 1 ResolutionResolution amending and supplementing Resolution Number 777 of 2016, effective December 29, 2016, entitled, “Resolution providing for the creation of a trust fund for the South Side Parking Enhancement District Trust Fund and setting conditions for the deposit and expenditure of such funds. This fund is for the exclusive use of funding public safety, maintenance, and parking enforcement for the South Side Parking Flats Enhancement District as shown in Exhibit A.” by adding additional permitted uses for Trust Fund dollars.Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details
2024-1216 1 ResolutionResolution amending and supplementing Resolution Number 777 of 2016, effective December 29, 2016, entitled, “Resolution providing for the creation of a trust fund for the South Side Parking Enhancement District Trust Fund and setting conditions for the deposit and expenditure of such funds. This fund is for the exclusive use of funding public safety, maintenance, and parking enforcement for the South Side Parking Flats Enhancement District as shown in Exhibit A.” by adding additional permitted uses for Trust Fund dollars.Read and referred  Action details