| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 857 of 2023, effective December 27, 2023, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2024 Capital Budget, the proposed 2024 Community Development Program, and the 2024 through 2029 Capital Improvement Program” by increasing CHARLES ANDERSON BRIDGE (TIP) by $22,950,000 to account for additional Federal Highway Administration funding being received at no cost to the City of Pittsburgh. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Jeffrey Kertis, and his attorney, Howard F. Murphy, Esquire for a single payment in 2024 in an amount not to exceed SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($17,500.00), payable over one year, in settlement of a case filed in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas at G.D. 17-014825. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Judith Hulick, and her attorney, Andrew D. Sysak, Esquire for a single payment in 2024 in an amount not to exceed TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($10,000.00), payable over one year, in settlement of a case filed in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas at G.D. 16-016565. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 683 of 2022 titled, “Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the City Clerk to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with the Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation for the purpose of receiving and spending grant funds in the amount of NINETY THOUSAND ($90,000.00) dollars to support youth sports programming in each council district” to add the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation as a signatory on grant awards. | Held in Committee | Pass |
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Item 0003-2024
| 1 | | Invoices | P-Cards | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 512 of 2023 which provided for an amended Reimbursement Agreement or Agreements with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for the Charles Anderson Bridge project; providing for the payment of the costs thereof, not to exceed Fifty Three Million Six Hundred and Ninety Thousand Dollars ($53,690,000.00) Fifty-Nine Million Eight Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($59,890,000.00), an increase of Six Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,200,000.00) from the previously executed agreement for costs associated with the Construction phase of the project, due to this phase being 100% Federally funded. This resolution serves to authorize only the amended Reimbursement Agreement or Agreements, at a cost not to exceed Sixty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($62,250.00), an increase of Fifty-Six Thousand Dollars ($56,000.00) from the previous amendment Six Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($6,250.00). Future Resolutions will authorize the project specific service agreements. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure to apply for grant funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)’s Local Share Account Statewide to provide funding for the Smallman Complete Street Project. The grant proposal includes an ask of NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE DOLLARS AND THIRTEEN CENTS ($999,999.13) for this stated purpose. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the designation as a Historic Site under Title 11 of the Code of Ordinances that certain site known as Frick Park, located at 2005 Beechwood Boulevard (127-H-100-01), in the Swisshelm Park, Squirrel Hill South, Regent Square, Point Breeze neighborhoods, in the 14th Ward, City of Pittsburgh. The owner of the property supports the nomination and there is no cost to the City.
(Public Hearing held 2/27/24) | Held for Cablecast Public Hearing | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution further amending Resolution No. 840 of 2019, effective January 1, 2020 as amended, entitled “Resolution adopting and approving the 2020 Capital Budget and the 2020 Community Development Block Grant Program; approving the 2020 through 2025 Capital Improvement Program” by reducing PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY SERVICES - SAFETY by $15,000.00 and increasing PITTSBURGH COMMUNITY SERVICES - HUNGER by $15,000.00, and authorize subsequent Agreements. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the City of Planning to enter into a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contracts with HR&A Advisors & Urban American City for the purpose of assisting in the development of a Citywide Comprehensive Plan. Cost not to exceed $3,255,000 over two years. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of City Planning to enter into a Professional Services Agreement(s) and/or Contracts with Common Cause Consulting & Sasaki for the purpose of developing a citywide engagement strategy to support the Citywide Comprehensive Plan process. Cost not to exceed $2,645,000 over two years. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine: Zoning Code, Article V: Use Regulations, Chapter 911: Primary Uses, at Section 911.02: Use Table and Chapter 911.04.A.69, Use Standards, to Permit Single-Unit Attached Residential Uses in Residential Single-Unit Detached Districts subject to certain standards.
(Report and Recommendation sent 1/31/24)
(Report and Recommendation received 3/6/24)
(Public Hearing held 4/10/24) | Referred for Report and Recommendation | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 681 of 2022, authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance to enter into an amended agreement with B-Three Solutions, Inc. for the continued provision of software maintenance and support services for critical applications and transition guidance, by increasing the approved amount by $200,000 and extending the contract for (1) year until December 31, 2024. The amended total cost not-to-exceed of the contract will now be Two Million One Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand Three Hundred Twenty One Dollars ($2,129,321) over a period not to exceed seven (7) years. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for 107 & 109 Natchez Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15211, at no cost to the City. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details