| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Max Petrunya, PC, in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($30,000.00) in settlement of litigation filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania at docket number 2:22-cv-00614.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Tucker Arensberg, P.C., in an amount not to exceed Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and No Cents ($8,933.00) for professional services for an Early Neutral Evaluation related to litigation in the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania at Case 2:21-cv-00443-CCW.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 260 of 2021, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Campbell Durrant, P.C., for professional legal services and expert advice regarding labor matters, by increasing the total spend by $100,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $490,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 260 of 2021, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Campbell Durrant, P.C., for professional legal services and expert advice regarding labor matters, by increasing the total spend by $100,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $490,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Reconsidered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 260 of 2021, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Campbell Durrant, P.C., for professional legal services and expert advice regarding labor matters, by increasing the total spend by $100,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $490,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Held for Executive Session | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 458 of 2022, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Fisher Phillips for legal services in connection with collective bargaining, by increasing the total spend by $250,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $300,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 458 of 2022, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Fisher Phillips for legal services in connection with collective bargaining, by increasing the total spend by $250,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $300,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Reconsidered | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending 458 of 2022, which authorized the Mayor and the City Solicitor to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Fisher Phillips for legal services in connection with collective bargaining, by increasing the total spend by $250,000.00 for a new not to exceed amount of $300,000.00.
(Executive Session held 2-1-23)
(2nd Executive Session held 2/21/23) | Held for Executive Session | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Robert Gilbert and his attorneys Law Offices of Joel Sansone, in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($10,000.00) in settlement of litigation filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania at docket number 2:22-cv-260.
(Executive Session held 2-14-23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Ruth and John Banovatz and their attorneys, Berger and Green, P.C., 800 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, in the amount of Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00 USD) relating to the full and final settlement of a case filed in the Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas at G.D. 21-006258.
(Executive Session held 2-14-23) | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 354 of 2022, which authorized the Mayor and the Director of City Planning to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Bromberg & Associates LLC for effective communication services, by extending the term for 1 year and increasing the total spend by $150,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $328,976.00. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the City Controller to accept updated financial system account strings and pay invoices for those contracts whose funding sources shifted from the Office of Equity into the Office of the Mayor in the approved 2023 Operating Budget and Five Year Plan. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution repealing items in Resolutions approved on various dates, which authorized the sale of property in various wards of the City of Pittsburgh, due to an incompletion of sale. Items A through F. A: 5305 Broad Street, B: 5301 Broad Street, C: 624 Freeland Street, D: 2922 Banksville Avenue, E: 245 E. Jefferson Street, F: 223 Alice Street | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the sale of certain property, acquired by the City of Pittsburgh at tax sales. ITEMS A through P: A: 5155 Hillcrest Street, B: 5389 Cornwall Street, C: 6406 Dean Street, D: 6404 Dean Street, E: 6402 Dean Street, F: 16 S Wheeler Street, G: 840 Carnival Way, H: 1128 Arlington Avenue, I: 618 Beltzhoover Avenue, J: 437 Chalfont Street, K: 1902 Broadway Avenue, L: 332 Violet Way, M: 106 Wabash Street, N: 1044 Marena Street, [O: 740 Hillcrest Place, DELETED] P: 826 Vista Street | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the sale of certain property, acquired by the City of Pittsburgh at tax sales. ITEMS A through P: A: 5155 Hillcrest Street, B: 5389 Cornwall Street, C: 6406 Dean Street, D: 6404 Dean Street, E: 6402 Dean Street, F: 16 S Wheeler Street, G: 840 Carnival Way, H: 1128 Arlington Avenue, I: 618 Beltzhoover Avenue, J: 437 Chalfont Street, K: 1902 Broadway Avenue, L: 332 Violet Way, M: 106 Wabash Street, N: 1044 Marena Street, [O: 740 Hillcrest Place, DELETED] P: 826 Vista Street | Affirmatively Recommended as Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the conveyance by the City of Pittsburgh of certain property, having been placed for sale to adjoining property owners in conjunction with the City of Pittsburgh Side Yard Program. ITEMS A through X: A: 2003 Tustin Street, B: 4806 Yew Street, C: 3446 Monroe Street, D: 3367 Milwaukee Street, E: 753 Cherokee Street, F: 3419 Bismark Street,G: 3417 Ridgeway Street, H: 0 Jordan Way, I: 5166 Broad Street, J: 536 Mellon Street, K: 134 Carver Street, L: 6826 Kelly Street, M: 7403 Idlewild Street, N: 385 Flowers Avenue, O: 27 Almeda Street, P: 0 Belasco Avenue, Q: 174 McKnight Street, [R: 315 Fairview Avenue - DELETED], S: 1023 Salter Way, T: 2725 Perrysville Avenue, U: 1230 Woodland Avenue, V: 404 Moore Avenue, W: 406 Moore Avenue, X: 75 Mullooly Street | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing, pursuant to Ch. 210 (“Acceptance of Gifts to City”) of the City Code, the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Safety to accept a donation from Southwest Pennsylvania Emergency Response Group (Region 13) valued at FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($15,800.00) for replacing retired canines. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 124 of 2020, which authorized the Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with Compass Natural Gas for professional services relating to the leasing and maintenance of a mobile CNG fueling station, by extending the term through December 31, 2025 and not to exceed amount by $378,000.00 for a new cost not to exceed $756,000.00
(Briefing held 2-28-23) | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing a cooperation agreement or agreements providing for the transfer of funds not to exceed Nine Million Four Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-One Dollars and Zero Cents ($9,465,991.00) to the City of Pittsburgh Equipment Leasing Authority for the purchase and leasing of vehicles, equipment and accessories, equipment support infrastructure, and professional services for use by City of Pittsburgh Departments. | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant payable in favor of the National Association of City Transportation Officials for yearly membership dues in an amount not to exceed Thirty-One Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars and Zero Cents ($31,250.00). | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant payable in favor of the United States Conference of Mayors for yearly membership dues in an amount not to exceed Seventeen Thousand Five Hundred Eleven Dollars and Zero Cents ($17,511.00). | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
Item 55-2023
| 1 | | Invoices | P-Cards | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Von der haus Gill German Shepherds Inc., 16863 Boundry Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-8058, in an amount not to exceed SEVEN THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND NO CENTS ($7,900.00), for a narcotic detection canine. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 309 of 2015, File No. 2015-1568, titled Resolution Accepting the Location of Proposed Rights of Way for Parcels 2-C-300, 2-C-400 For The Lower Hill Redevelopment Site Infrastructure, in the 2nd And 3rd Wards, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution taking, appropriating and condemning by the City of Pittsburgh, for public roadway purposes certain property in the 5th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, owned by German and Francoise Barrionuevo, located along Schenley Farms Terrace, and authorizing the payment of just compensation and necessary and incidental acquisition costs related thereto. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article I, Zoning Districts in General, Article II, Base Zoning District, Chapter 904 Mixed Use Districts; Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 908 Public Realm Districts; Article V, Use Regulations, Chapter 911, Primary Uses, Section 911.02, Use Table; and Section 911.04, Use Standards; Article VI Development Standards, Chapter 914 Parking Loading and Access, Chapter 915, Environmental Performance Standards, and Chapter 919, Signs; and Article VIII Review and Enforcement, Chapter 922 Development Review Procedures; and Article IX, Chapter 926 Definitions, to create three new base zoning districts, and other zoning amendments.
(Public Hearing was recessed 9/14/22)
(Reconvened Public Hearing was held 12/5/22) | Held in Committee | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution No. 877 of 2021, which authorized the Mayor and the Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (“Department”) to enter into an Amended Agreement or Agreements with ath Power Consulting Corporation to provide customer service and soft skills training to the Department’s staff. The Amended Agreement(s) shall be in an amount not to exceed $58,150.00 $78,150.00. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution amending Resolution 727-2021, authorizing the Mayor and the Director of Innovation & Performance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into an Agreement or Agreements and amendments thereto with Vision Point Systems ("VPS") to obtain Twilio Flex support services to meet the needs of the City of Pittsburgh at an additional cost not to exceed $15,600. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for 7227 Hamilton Avenue. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for 707 East Street, 17th Ward, Pittsburgh, PA 15212. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting the Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh’s Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Meridan Street Residences, project which will involve the development of eight (8) single-family residences with associated utilities. The site address is 117, 121, 125 and 129 Meridan Street and 114, 118, 122, and 126 Hallock Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15211, in the 19th Ward. | Affirmatively Recommended | Pass |
Action details