| 1 | | Proclamation | NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize and honor Jean Fink for her tireless devotion to public service as a member of the Pittsburgh Board of Education; she will be sorely missed; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Monday, December 16, 2013 to be “Jean Fink Day” in the City of Pittsburgh. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Proclamation | THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh for its years of dedication to finding role models and guidance to children in need; and
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, December 17, 2013 to be Big Brothers Big Sisters Celebrate Coalitions Day in the City of Pittsburgh. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Proclamation | NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize and honor Tom Blaskiewicz for his professional achievements, and wishes him many happy years of retirement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Wednesday, December 18, 2013 to be “Tom Blaskiewicz Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.
| Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Communication | Communication from Daniel F. Regan, City Solicitor, submitting the Claims Report for the years 2011 and 2012, pursuant to Section 163 of the Pittsburgh Code. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Communication | Communication from Daniel F. Regan, City Solicitor, submitting the Claims Report for the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarters of 2013, pursuant to Section 163 of the Pittsburgh Code. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Communication | Communication from Linda M. Johnson-Wasler, City Clerk, submitting the Travel Reports for the years 2010-2012 from various City Departments. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Communication | Communication from Linda M. Johnson-Wasler, City Clerk, submitting the Travel Reports for the First, Second, Third and Fourth Quarters of 2013 from various City Departments. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article IV, Planning Districts, Chapter 909.01, SP, Specially Planned District. | Read and referred | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Finance and Law for December 11, 2013 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | Ordinance amending and supplementing the City Code at Title One: Administrative, Article V: Legislative, Chapter 151: Council by adding a section of the State Second Class City Law relating to sharing information. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution making appropriations to pay the expenses of conducting the Public Business of the City of Pittsburgh and for meeting the debt charges thereof for the Fiscal Year, beginning January 1, 2014 | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 2 | | Resolution | Resolution making appropriations to pay the expenses of conducting the Public Business of the City of Pittsburgh and for meeting the debt charges thereof for the Fiscal Year, beginning January 1, 2014 | Passed Finally, As Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Resolution | Resolution fixing the number of officers and employees of the City of Pittsburgh, and the rate of compensation thereof, and setting minimum levels for designated positions. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Resolution | Resolution fixing the number of officers and employees of the City of Pittsburgh, and the rate of compensation thereof, and setting minimum levels for designated positions. | Passed Finally, As Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting and approving the 2014 Capital Budget and the 2014 Community Development Block Grant Program; and approving the 2014 through 2019 Capital Improvement Program. | AMENDED | Pass |
Action details
| 3 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting and approving the 2014 Capital Budget and the 2014 Community Development Block Grant Program; and approving the 2014 through 2019 Capital Improvement Program. | Passed Finally, As Amended | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in the total sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and No Cents ($3,750.00) to Thomas G. McConnell Jr., 255 Silverbell Court, West Chester, PA 19380 for arbitration services in connection with City of Pittsburgh and IAFF Local 1 Act 111 Health Care Reopener Arbitration. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act (Act 111), the City is required to pay the expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration proceeding. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in the total sum of Nine Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Dollars and No Cents ($9,670.00) to John M. Skonier, Esq., 2417 Oakland Drive, Norristown, PA 19403 for arbitration services in connection with City of Pittsburgh and IAFF Local 1 Act 111 Health Care Reopener Arbitration. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act (Act 111), the City is required to pay the expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration proceeding. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in the total sum of Three Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-Seven Dollars and No Cents ($3,267.00) to Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, P.C., One Oxford Centre, 301 Grant Street, 20th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, for arbitration services in connection with an Act 111 Interest Arbitration. Pursuant to Section 8 of the Policemen and Firemen Collective Bargaining Act (Act 111), the City is required to pay the expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration proceeding. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Foundation in an amount not to exceed sixteen thousand, four hundred, eleven dollars ($16,411.00), in connection with the 2013 Great Race in the Department of Parks and Recreation, without previous authority of law; and providing for the payment thereof. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the issuance of a warrant in favor of Granicus, Inc. in the amount of $19,686.88 in payment for the annual maintenance agreement and other services related to the legislative tracking software used by the City Clerk's Office. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in the total sum of Forty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and No Cents ($48,500.00) to Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky for professional consulting and legal services in relation to reviews of the City's processes and procedures regarding tax collection matters. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution realigning a total of $4,485,000 between various accounts within the 2013 Operating Budget. This transfer is necessary for the 2013 close in order to meet expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the issuance of a warrant in favor of Quinn's Quality Services in the amount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($15,950.00), in payment for lawn cutting services rendered to senior residents of Council District No. 2 during the months of May through September, 2013. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Public Safety Services for December 11, 2013 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Safety, and the Acting Chief of Police to enter into a grant agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ) to receive monies from the 2013 Justice Assistance Grant Program, and further authorizing legitimate expenditures by the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police, for purchases authorized by the Grant Agreement and for the execution of agreements(s), or contract(s) for any equipment or services required in connection with the execution of said Grant Agreement. Said agreement(s) or contract(s) shall not exceed $157,943.00. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Urban Recreation for December 11, 2013 with an Affirmatiave Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the acceptance by the City of Pittsburgh from the Estate of Elizabeth Ann Yallum of certain property in the 12th ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public purpose to become part of the space plan of Larimer Area Redevelopment adjacent to Highland Park on the Negley Run Area. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the acceptance by the City of Pittsburgh from Dan P. Lipsky of certain property in the 10th ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public purpose and addition to the Allegheny River Greenway at the cost of the City of Pittsburgh. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution providing for the acceptance by the City of Pittsburgh from Ari I. and Karen H. Lightman of certain property in the 14th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public purpose to become part of the Nine Mile Greenway. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Report | Report of the Committee on Intergovernemtal Affairs for December 11, 2013 with an Affirmative Recommendation. | Read, Received and Filed | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution revising the boundaries of the Center Triangle TIF District. (Council District 6) | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution revising the boundaries of the South Side Works TIF District by removing the Excluded Property from the TIF District, being Parcel E1b. (Council District 3)
Presented by Mrs. Harris and Mr. Kraus | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Resolution | Resolution adopting Plan Revision to the City of Pittsburgh's Official Sewage Facilities Plan for Eastside Limited Partnership III land development located on or about 6118 Penn Circle South, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15206. | Passed Finally | Pass |
Action details