Resolution authorizing a 2010-2011 Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh providing for the designation of the local matching share for six grants applied for in six applications filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development under the Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program. (Council Districts 4, 6, 7 & 9).
Whereas, the Council of the City of Pittsburgh has authorized the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh ("URA") to file six applications (the "Applications") with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development ("DCED") for six grants totaling $3,402,600 for the Allegheny Riverfront ($850,000), Liberty Park Phase 2 ($900,000), Middle Hill Housing/Wylie Avenue Homes ($550,000), Beechview - 1601 Broadway Avenue ($280,000), Strategic Site Assembly - Uptown ($550,000) and Strategic Site Assembly - Larimer ($272,600) Garfield Glen Housing Development ($550,000) and Federal Hill Phase 3 ($272,000) projects (the "Projects") and for the administration of the Projects; and
Whereas, the City and URA desire to enter into a Cooperation Agreement to provide for the designation of the matching share for the grants;
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, is authorized and directed to enter into a 2010-2011 Cooperation Agreement or Agreements with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, in a form approved by the City Solicitor, providing for the designation of $6,568,687 $8,951,687 as the matching share for the grants applied for in the Applications filed with DCED and to be administered by URA.
Section 2. The City of Pittsburgh will assume the provision of the full aforementioned local share of Project costs and will reimburse the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the Commonwealth's share of any expenditure found by DCED to be ineligible.