Resolution authorizing and directing the Controller to encumber funds budgeted in the 2024 Operating Budget for a disparity study, for subsequent expenditure once the procurement process is complete, Council authorizes the execution of an agreement and said agreement is duly executed and countersigned.
Whereas, the City budgeted two hundred thousand dollars in the 2024 Budget for the purposes of conducting an updated procurement disparity study; and,
Whereas, the City has and continues to work diligently through the procurement process to ensure maximum participation by all relevant stakeholders; and,
Whereas, the City anticipates concluding the procurement process in the coming weeks, but is unlikely to execute an agreement prior to the cut-off date for end-of-year expenditures; and,
Whereas, City Council recognizes both the importance of having an updated disparity study and affording the City the time needed to conclude the procurement process.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Controller is hereby authorized and directed to encumber the funds in the amount of two hundred twenty five thousand dollars ($200,000.00) ($225,000.00) budgeted for budget year 2024 for use in a subsequent agreement for a disparity study, to be authorized by Council and duly executed
Section 2. The City Controller shall encumber subsequent funds for the annual contract, subject to the amount of funds to be appropriated by City Council and shall be payable from one or more of the following accounts: 11101.102000.53.53901.2024 for calendar year 2024.
Section 3. Any Resolution, Ordinance or parts of the same which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.