Resolution authorizing all City departments, in conjunction with the Department of Finance, to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a facilities usage agreement or agreements during the 2025 calendar year for the purpose of permitting groups to rent City-owned facilities for recreational and community focused activities, in individual amounts not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00).
(Public Hearing held 12-12-24)
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. All City departments are hereby authorized on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh to enter, in conjunction with the City’s Department of Finance, into a facilities usage agreement or agreements during the 2025 calendar year for the purpose of permitting groups to rent City-owned facilities for recreational and community focused activities, in individual amounts not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00).
Section 2. Revenue for said agreements shall be deposited into the following accounts as specified by the agreement or agreements:
Facilities Trust Fund 0730125015.43409.00
General (for Rec. Centers) 11101.500000.43409.2025
Senior 5000285000.43409.00
Schenley (Rink) 5000284500.43409.00
Mellon Park and Indoor Tennis 5000283300.43409.00
Frick Park 5000771200.43409.00
ARAD 5000280400.43409.00
Section 3. All agreements or additional amendments shall be in a form authorized by the City Solicitor.