Resolution adopting and approving the 2025 Capital Budget, the proposed 2025 Community Development Program, and the 2025 through 2030 Capital Improvement Program.
(Public Hearing held 12-12-24)
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The 2025 Capital Budget is hereby adopted and the new project authorizations listed herein are hereby approved.
Section 2. The 2025 Community Development Program (“CD”) is hereby formally proposed and will be separately approved by following the federal regulatory process as set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Section 3. The 2025 through 2030 Capital Improvement Program is hereby approved as a guide, but new project authorizations are made subject to approval by Council through adoption of the annual Capital and CD Budgets.
Section 4. The City Controller, the City Treasurer, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized to place in the Bond Fund all cash currently on hand from the proceeds of the sale of debt and to accept reimbursement to such funds from other sources for expenditures made under Federal, State, County, or private grant programs.
Section 5. The City Controller, the City Treasurer, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized to transfer from the Bond Fund to the Capital Revolving Fund such funds as may be received as reimbursement for Capital Projects for which Bond Anticipation Notes have been specifically sold in previous years to fund such reimbursable projects.
Section 6. The City Controller, the City Treasurer, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized to place in the Capital Fund all cash currently on hand from the transfer of funds from the City’s Fund Balance to the Capital Budget, and to accept reimbursement to such fund from other sources for expenditures made under Federal, State, or private grant programs.
Section 7. The City Controller and the Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized to spend unplanned reimbursements from the same project from which the expenditure was originally made.
Section 8. The resolution authorizes the issuance of requests for proposals, estimates, bids, cost projections, and other allowable contracting procedures pursuant to Chapter 161 of the City Code for each project listed herein. However, no funds shall be encumbered or expended prior to the authorization of each project or contract by an additional resolution or resolutions.
Section 9. Budget control shall be at the project and fund level. The City Controller and the Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized to make transfers between deliverables within a project.
Section 10. The City Council Budget Director is authorized to make minor technical and formatting changes to the budget as needed. No changes shall change the funding of any projects or deliverables, or otherwise be substantive in nature.