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File #: 2024-1135    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed Finally
File created: 11/4/2024 In control: Committee on Land Use and Economic Development
On agenda: 11/4/2024 Final action: 11/19/2024
Enactment date: 11/19/2024 Enactment #: 828
Effective date: 11/21/2024    
Title: Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to Enter into an Agreement with the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, allowing the Land Bank to independently Access City-Owned Properties Managed and Maintained pursuant to the Three Taxing Bodies (TTB) Agreement, for the Purpose of Streamlining Property Assessments and Facilitating Redevelopment.
Sponsors: Bobby Wilson, R. Daniel Lavelle
Attachments: 1. 2024-1135 3TB Agreement 1992 (1)


Resolution Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh to Enter into an Agreement with the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, allowing the Land Bank to independently Access City-Owned Properties Managed and Maintained pursuant to the Three Taxing Bodies (TTB) Agreement, for the Purpose of Streamlining Property Assessments and Facilitating Redevelopment.



WHEREAS, the City of Pittsburgh owns numerous properties that are vacant, abandoned, or otherwise underutilized; and


WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Land Bank was created to facilitate the acquisition, management, and transfer of vacant, abandoned, and underutilized properties for redevelopment in a manner that benefits the community and promotes equitable development; and,


WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Land Bank must conduct inspections, assessments, and evaluations of city-owned properties to determine their suitability for redevelopment, rehabilitation, or disposition; and,


WHEREAS, requiring the Pittsburgh Land Bank to obtain permission from the Department of Finance for each individual property access request creates unnecessary delays and hinders the efficiency of the Land Bank’s operations; and,


WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to streamline the process by allowing the Pittsburgh Land Bank to directly access city-owned properties for the purpose of conducting its duties in an efficient and timely manner.




Section 1. Authorization for Agreement

The Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh, granting the Land Bank the authority to access city-owned properties managed and maintained pursuant to the Three Taxing Bodies (“TTB”; “3TB”) Agreement, effective November 30, 1992, authorized by Resolution Number 1030 of 1992, effective October 23, 1992, attached as Attachment “A” or its successor, for the purpose of conducting property assessments, inspections, evaluations, and any other activities necessary to facilitate the Land Bank’s mission of promoting redevelopment and reducing blight. Said agreement or agreements shall be approved by the City Solicitor as to form.


Section 2. Scope of Access


1.                     Direct Access to City-Owned TTB Properties: The agreement shall provide the Pittsburgh Land Bank with direct access to city-owned properties without requiring the Pittsburgh Land Bank to schedule with the Department of Finance to view individual properties.


2.                     Property Use: The Pittsburgh Land Bank’s access shall be for the purposes of evaluating properties for potential acquisition, redevelopment, rehabilitation, or disposition in accordance with the Land Bank’s mission.


3. Notification Requirements: While the Pittsburgh Land Bank shall not be required to seek formal approval from the Department of Finance for each property, the Land Bank shall provide written notice to the Department of Finance listing the properties it intends to access on a periodic basis (e.g., monthly or quarterly).



Section 3. Liability and Indemnification


1.                     Liability: The agreement shall include provisions stating that the Pittsburgh Land Bank and the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh assume[s] all liability for its agents, contractors, or personnel accessing city-owned properties, and that the City of Pittsburgh shall not be held liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages incurred by the Land Bank while conducting inspections or assessments on city-owned properties.


2. Indemnification: The Pittsburgh Land Bank and/or the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Pittsburgh from any claims or lawsuits arising out of the Land Bank’s access to and activities on city-owned properties.


Section 4. Duration and Renewal


1.                     Initial Term: The agreement between the City of Pittsburgh, the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Land Bank shall have an initial term of [two (2)] five (5) years from the date of execution.


2.   Renewal: The agreement may be renewed upon mutual consent of the City, the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Land Bank for additional terms of up to [two (2)] five (5) years each, provided that both parties agree to the terms of renewal at least sixty (60) days before the expiration of the current term.


Section 5. Reporting and Accountability


The Department of Finance may include requirements that Land Bank staff to report back on the conditions found at the property and show proof that the structure was properly re-sealed.


Section 6. Severability

If any section or provision of this resolution is held invalid, the remaining sections or provisions shall continue in full force and effect.


Section 7. Effective Date

This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor.