Resolution amending Resolution 850 of 2021 which authorized the City of Pittsburgh and the Department of City Planning to enter into an Agreement with Maalka to provide a Building Benchmarking Management Platform Software Solution by adding funding for contract year 2024 and increasing the total cost by Eleven Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty ($11,250) dollars for a new total cost not to exceed Ninety-One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty ($91,250) dollars.
WHEREAS, the adoption of Building Benchmarking increases transparency and access to building information, enhances coordination and efficiencies among departments and partner organizations across the public, nonprofit, and private sectors; and improves provision of services;
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Resolution amending Resolution 850 of 2021 which authorized the City of Pittsburgh and the Department of City Planning to enter into an Agreement with Maalka to provide a Building Benchmarking Management Platform Software Solution by adding funding for contract year 2024 and increasing the total cost by Eleven Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty ($11,250) dollars for a new total cost not to exceed Ninety-One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty ($91,250) dollars.
The amount will be chargeable and payable from the following account:
11101.110000.53.53509.2020 $20,000
11101.110000.53.53509.2021 $20,000
11101.110000.53.53509.2022 $20,000
11101.110000.53.53509.2023 $20,000
11101.110000.53.53509.2024 $11,250