WHEREAS, Nancy Burns grew up in Mount Washington at a time when there were no sports offered to young females in her area. She belonged to the Catholic Youth Organization League, but had to be in the ninth grade to begin softball; and,
WHEREAS, at 16, Nancy spearheaded the softball league at Dilworth Park with help from some of her teammates and her father, who was the commissioner of the boy's baseball league at Dilworth Park at the time; and,
WHEREAS, the league began in 1973 with girls ranging from 8 years old to 12 years old. The eight teams were named after zodiac signs and the girls picked their favorite colors for the uniforms. Nancy's teams were always red; and,
WHEREAS, the girls shared the field with the boy's league until a lower field was constructed. Games were held every night and the girls were always excited to play; and,
WHEREAS, many parents were involved with their child's softball season in one way or another. Nancy was never short on parent participation. Parents would volunteer to coach or help coach and it became a community softball league. The young girls made many friends through softball; and,
WHEREAS, the softball league at Dilworth lasted over twenty years. Nancy coached for over forty-four years. She coached her own children and coached the children of the young girls with whom she started. Many of the young women are still friends today. Nancy views them as family and they still call her coach; and,
WHEREAS, the league now plays at Skookum Field since there are fewer teams and Nancy watches the grandchildren of her original girls she coached; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby recognize Nancy Burns and thank her for the contributions she has made to the sport of softball and to the girls she has coached; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare, Tuesday, January 30, 2024 to be "Nancy Burns Day" in the Cit...
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