Presented by Mr. Lavelle
Resolution authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation to enter into a contract or contracts, agreement or agreements, lease or leases, professional service agreements or the use of existing contracts, leases or agreements, design, construction and other services, along with other approved expenditures and for the payment of supplies, equipment, materials, rentals, and other services for the construction of Community Center in Riverview Park. Cost not to exceed $900,000.00.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby authorized to enter into a contract or contracts, agreement or agreements, lease or leases, professional service agreements or the use of existing contracts, leases or agreements, design, construction, and other services, along with other approved expenditures and for the payment of supplies, equipment, materials, rentals, and other services for the construction of a Community Center in Riverview Park in an amount not to exceed Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($900,0000.00), chargeable to and payable from Account 600000, Fund 6100, Subclass PGHPR, Organization 500000, Project Grant #2267378 Year 2010, in the Department of Parks and Recreation.