Resolution authorizing the Mayor, the Director of Public Safety, and the Director of Innovation & Performance to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh into a professional services agreement or agreements with IK Systems, Inc., for security camera maintenance, integration, and support services, for a total cost not to exceed EIGHT MILLION THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE DOLLARS AND EIGHTEEN CENTS ($8,030,683.18) over five years.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor, the Director of Public Safety, and the Director of Innovation & Performance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into a Professional Service Agreement or Agreements with IK Systems, Inc., for security camera maintenance, integration and support services, in an overall amount not to exceed EIGHT MILLION THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTY-THREE DOLLARS AND EIGHTEEN CENTS ($8,030,683.18) over five years.
Section 2. Funds for said agreement or agreements shall be chargeable and payable from the following chart of accounts, subject to appropriation in future budget years by City Council:
2326744912.54513.00 $7,719.81
11101.210000.53.53529.2023 $381,769.89
11101.103000.57.57501.2023 $496,197.48
2129400453.57501.00 $82,000.00
11101.210000.53.53529.2024 $1,425,673.00
11101.210000.53.53529.2025 $1,325,399.00
11101.210000.53.53529.2026 $1,387,081.00
11101.210000.53.53529.2027 $1,436,795.00
11101.210000.53.53529.2028 $1,488,048.00
Total Not-to-Exceed Amount: $8,030,683.18
Section 3. Said agreements shall be in a form approved by the City Solicitor.