WHEREAS, Three Rivers Waterkeeper (3RWK) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose mission is to protect the water quality of the Monongahela, Allegheny and Ohio Rivers; and,
WHEREAS, Three Rivers Waterkeeper works to protect the waterways of the city and improve the water quality of the three rivers that are critical to the city’s health, vitality and economic prosperity; and,
WHEREAS, Three Rivers Waterkeeper works as a scientific and legal advocate to ensure that city residents have access to clean water; and,
WHEREAS, Three Rivers Waterkeeper desires to have small games for the purpose of raising funds to continue serving the city of Pittsburgh; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby recognizes Three Rivers Waterkeeper to be a civic and/or service organization within the context of the Pennsylvania Small Games of Chance Act, as amended