Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article VI, Chapter 919, Signs, to regulate the use of non-advertising signs for Major Public Destination Facilities in the RIV-NS District.
(Needs to be sent to the Planning Commission for a Report & Recommendation)
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning Code, Article VI, Chapter 919, Signs, is hereby Amended as follows:
919.01.C Special Definitions
The following special definitions shall apply throughout the sign regulations of this chapter.
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25. Major Public Destination Facility Sign means Business Signs and Identification Signs and signage that identifies the name of a Major Public Destination Facility, the names of all tenants in a Major Public Destination Facility, or a sponsor with naming-rights associated with a Major Public Destination Facility, portion of a facility or open space within the zoning lot of the facility.
919.03.[P] P.1 Major Public Destination Facility Electronic Signs
919.03.P.2 Major Public Destination Facility Signs
This section shall apply to Major Public Destination Facility Signs associated with all uses that meet the definition of “major public destination facility” in the RIV-NS District.
2. Review Process
All Major Public Destination Facility Signs shall be subject to Design Review and approval by the City Planning Commission under the Project Development Plan criteria in Section 922.10.
3. Conflicts
The provisions of this section shall take precedence over any conflicting provisions in Article VI, Section 919 relating to non-advertising signs.
(a)Wall mounted signs are permitted provided that;
(i)The total face area for all tenant and sponsor signs shall be limited to one (1) per tenant or sponsor per building façade, shall not exceed a maximum of eighty (80) square feet and shall be mounted no higher than forty (40) feet above grade. The total face area of wall mounted signs below forty (40) feet shall not exceed a total of three (3) percent of exposed building façade area, and shall permit electronic identification signs with no motion or animation.
(ii) The total face area of wall mounted signs higher than forty (40) feet above grade may face in all directions but shall not be roof mounted nor project above the roof peak or parapet wall, shall not exceed in face area forty (40) square feet or two (2) percent of exposed façade area whichever is larger, shall include no motion or animation, shall not exceed a luminance of two thousand five hundred (2,500) nits during daylight hours between sunrise and sunset, shall not exceed a luminance of two hundred fifty (250) nits at all other times, and shall permit electronic illumination with no motion or animation. All applications shall include certification that the sign will comply with luminance level standards at the time of application and must certify again that the sign is operating in compliance with the standards prior to issuance of an occupancy permit.
(c)Ground signs shall be limited to one (1) along each street frontage when the property frontage measures one hundred (100) feet or less, otherwise ground signs shall not be spaced within one hundred (100) feet of each other when located on the same zoning lot. Ground signs shall not extend more than forty (40) feet from the top of the sign to the grade beneath the sign and shall not exceed a total face area of one hundred fifty (150) square feet. Freestanding ground signs facing the Ohio or Allegheny Rivers shall not exceed 12 feet in letter height.
(d) Marquee or canopy sign is a sign attached to, painted on or inscribed upon a marquee or canopy that otherwise complies with any other governmental regulation; the face of such sign shall not project above or below the marquee or canopy, shall not exceed eight (8) inches in height, shall not project more than six (6) inches horizontally from the surface of such marquee or canopy, shall not contain flashing lights or animation and shall meet the definition of business or identification sign; provided that a marquee or canopy sign attached to a Major Public Destination Facility which shall otherwise be subject to this provision, may be up to eight (8) feet in height and subject to review by the Planning Commission under the Project Development Plan criteria put forth in Section 922.10.
(a)All Major Destination Facility Signs shall have type sized appropriately to viewing distances.
(b) The perimeter of the logo or typography shall be used to determine the square footage for all Major Public Destination Facility Signs.