Resolution providing for a Reimbursement and Maintenance Agreement or Agreements with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for Local costs to upgrade Pedestrian Facilities at SR 19 A84 as part of a larger Project undertaken by PennDOT to improve SR 19 A84 by roadway altercations or resurfacing, at a cost to the City of Pittsburgh (Municipality) not to exceed $27,600.00
WHEREAS, PennDOT by contract or with its own forces, shall construct the Project and the Pedestrian Facilities in accordance with the plans, specifications, and drawings prepared by or for PennDOT,
WHEREAS, PennDOT shall be solely responsible for all costs of the Project other than the Pedestrian Facilities,
WHEREAS, The Municipality shall be solely responsible for the costs of the Pedestrian Facilities constructed to provide access across a local street under the jurisdiction of the Municipality at the intersection of SR 19 A84,
WHEREAS, The Municipality and PennDOT shall be equally responsible for the costs of Pedestrian Facilities constructed on the diagonal of an intersection which provides access across both a local street under the jurisdiction of the Municipality and a state highway,
WHEREAS, PennDOT shall be solely responsible for the costs of Pedestrian Facilities constructed at the intersection of two state highways.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into a Reimbursement and Maintenance Agreement or Agreements with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for costs associated with the installation of new Pedestrian Facilities as part of the Project, at a cost to the City of Pittsburgh not to exceed $27,600.00, chargeable, and payable from the following account(s):
JDE Fund |
JDE Job No. |
Budget Year |
Source |
Amount |
40020 |
6009200220 |
2020 |
$27,600.00 |