Ordinance amending and supplementing the City Code at Title Two: Fiscal, Article I: Administration, Chapter 219: Operating Budget, by adding a new section 219.08 entitled “Legal Requirements in Preparation of Operating Budget”
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh City Code is hereby amended and supplemented at Title Two: Fiscal, Article I: Administration, Chapter 219: Operating Budget, as follows so as to add a new section 219.08:
(a) The Operating Budget, as prepared and submitted by the Mayor pursuant to Chapters 504 and 505 of the Home Rule Charter, shall not contain any revenue sources that are not legal.
(b) The Operating Budget, as prepared and submitted by the Mayor pursuant to Chapters 504 and 505 of the Home Rule Charter, shall comply with all applicable union collective bargaining agreements at the time of submission to City Council.
(c) The above requirements shall not preclude the City of Pittsburgh from attempting to implement new revenues, nor updates to collective bargaining agreements after the second Monday of the eleventh month of the fiscal year.
(d) The Operating Budget, as prepared and submitted by the Mayor pursuant to Chapters 504 and 505 of the Home Rule Charter, shall not contain any expenditure uses that are not legal.
(e) The Operating Budget, as prepared and submitted by the Mayor pursuant to Chapters 504 and 505 of the Home Rule Charter, shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, and the Home Rule Charter at the time of submission to City Council.