Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) for the completion of projects approved in the City of Pittsburgh's American
Rescue Plan, at a cost not to exceed Seventy-Four Million Eight Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven Dollars ($74,878,811).
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh for the completion of projects approved in the City of Pittsburgh's American
Rescue Plan, at a cost not to exceed Seventy-Four Million Eight Hundred Seventy-Eight Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven Dollars ($74,878,811).
Funds to the URA shall be paid from the American
Rescue Plan Trust Fund, JDE account 0222905500.53901.00.
Section 2. The projects and dollar amounts to be included in the Agreement or Agreements shall be as follows:
$100,000 Immigration court program match
$2,800,000 Penn Circle 2-way conversion
$2,000,000 Broadway Avenue development
$7,000,000 Avenues of Hope
$2,000,000 Lexington/Homewood development
$1,000,000 Jasmine Nyree campus
$2,000,000 Gladstone
$3,500,000 COVID-19 small business grants
$21,478,811 Housing - for sale home ownership
$5,000,000 Housing - protection of existing affordable housing
$5,000,000 Housing - community land trust
$10,000,000 Housing - homeownership utilities program
$2,000,000 PittSTAR - artists
$1,000,000 PittSTAR - permanent street seating
$10,000,000 Pittsburgh Land Bank
Section 3. The City of Pittsburgh reserves the right to re-appropriate funds from said Agreement or Agreements.
Section 4. Said Agreement or Agreements shall include terms indicating that the URA will follow all rules and compliance g...
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