Resolution transferring a total of $380,000 within the 2021 Operating Budget from the Department of Public Works to the Department of Parks & Recreation, for the purpose of increasing pay for lifeguards and reopening as many pools as possible for the 2021 season.
Whereas; the inability to hire lifeguards for the 2021 pool season is imperiling multiple City-operated pools, and
Whereas; the 2021 Operating Budget will be reopened in the near future, and
Whereas; the pending budget process for the amended 2021 Operating Budget may not be finalized until August, well past the usual opening of City pools, and
Whereas; it is the Will of Council to increase pay for lifeguards, which would help hire more to open more pools, and to do so as soon as possible
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The City Controller, the Office of Management and Budget, and the City Council Budget Office are hereby authorized and directed to transfer the amount of three hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($380,000) from:
Department of Public Works, Bureau of Facilities, Property Services, Water, Subledger MAT1, Budget Year 2021, JDE Account number 11101.450000.54609.2021
Department of Parks & Recreation, Salaries & Wages, Regular Pay, Subledger SP1, Budget Year 2021, JDE Account number 11101.500000.51101.2021
Section 2. Pursuant to Section 111.01(d)(2) of the City Code, City Council authorizes the change to the rate of compensation for the following positions within the Department of Parks & Recreation and the ARAD-Parks & Recreation Trust Fund:
• First Year Lifeguard
• Senior Lifeguard
• Assistant Headguard
• Pool Aid
Section 3. The Mayor and the Office of Management and Budget are further authorized to restore the above removed $600,000 to the Bureau of Facilities upon the reopening of the 2021 Operating Budget.