Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Public Works to enter into a First Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and Pashek + MTR, for professional landscape architectural services for Arsenal Park Phase I Design, by increasing the total allocation to $544,174.00.
WHEREAS, a planning process with residents and stakeholders in the communities surrounding Arsenal Park resulted in the Department of City Planning and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy to develop a Master Plan for Arsenal Park; and
WHEREAS, the Master Plan did not include services for an Archaeology Study; and
WHEREAS, the City of Pittsburgh 2020 Capital Budget includes an additional $150,000.00 for Arsenal Park Historic Asset Remediation; and
WHEREAS, on February 15, 2019 ,the Office of Management and Budget, on behalf of the Department of Public Works, released a Request for Proposals to solicit for landscape architectural services for professional services to complete design documents for Phase I and a selection committee chose a proposal by Pashek + MTR for professional landscape architectural services; and
WHEREAS, City Council approved Resolution No. 344, effective May 30, 2019 authorizing the expenditure of Three Hundred Ninety Four Thousand One Hundred Seventy Four Dollars ($394,174.00) for those professional services; and
WHEREAS, the City desires that Pashek + MTR and selected sub-consultants perform additional professional services for additional compensation, as contemplated in the Request for Proposals, and Pashek + MTR is willing to perform additional professional services for additional compensation;
Section 1. Resolution No. 344, effective May 30, 2019, entitled "The Mayor and the Director of Public Works, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements, or the use of existing Agreements, between the City of Pittsburgh and Pashek + MTR, , for the professional la...
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