Ordinance amending and supplementing the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances at Title Two: Fiscal, Article IX: Property Taxes, Chapter 265: Exemptions for Residential Improvements, Sections 265.04 and 265.09, and Chapter 267: Exemptions for Industrial and Commercial Improvements, Sections 267.03 and 267.07 to change the effective date to June 30, 2020.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. The Pittsburgh Code is hereby amended at Title Two: Fiscal, Article IX: Property Taxes, Chapter 265: Exemptions for Residential Improvements, Sections 265.04 and 265.09, and Chapter 267: Exemptions for Industrial and Commercial Improvements, Sections 267.03 and 267.07 to change the effective date to June 30, 2020.
Persons responsible or liable for the payment of taxes due on residential units in any of the deteriorated areas enumerated in Section 265.02, may apply for and receive tax exemption on new residential construction in accordance with the procedures and schedules as herein provided:
(a) Any exemption from taxes shall be limited to the assessed valuation attributable to the cost of construction of the new residential unit, not in excess of the uniform maximum cost per dwelling unit specified in subsection (b) hereof. If the actual cost of construction, as determined by the Board, exceeds the maximum cost per dwelling unit, the Board shall decrease the assessment valuation eligible for exemption in the same proportion as the actual cost of the construction exceeds the maximum cost.
(b) The uniform maximum cost per dwelling unit shall be one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars ($175,000.00) for 2020. For subsequent years, the uniform maximum cost per dwelling unit shall be determined by the Finance Director. It shall be the amount produced when the maximum cost for the preceding year is multiplied by the ratio of the ...
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