Resolution amending Resolution 860 of 2017 to authorize an increase in compensation for Thoughtform, Inc. to assist the City in developing plans and studies for the development of a Graphics & Communication Strategy for the Comprehensive Plan by increasing the authorized amount by $23,212 to $173,212.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Resolution amending Resolution 860 of 2017, effective December 28, 2017, which authorized the City of Pittsburgh to enter into a Professional Services Agreement(s) for services with the development of a Graphics & Communication Strategy for the Comprehensive Plan, by increasing the total amount of the contract by Twenty Three Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars and No Cents ($23,212.00) at a cost not to exceed One Hundred Seventy Three Thousand Two Hundred Twelve Dollars and No Cents ($173,212.00).
Amounts are chargeable to and payable from the following accounts as follows:
JDE# $ Amount
11101.110000.53.53901.2018 $150.000.00
11101.110000.53.53901.2018 $173,212.00