Resolution amending Resolution No. 179 of 2016, which authorized the City of Pittsburgh to enter into a Professional Service Agreement(s) with Maximus Consulting Services Inc. for services relating to the preparation of the annual indirect cost allocation reports, by exercising the written option to extend the term of the contract by two years.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Resolution No. 179 of 2016, entitled “Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of Finance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, to enter into a contract or agreement, or use of existing contract or agreement with Maximus Consulting Services Inc. for the purpose of providing support services for the preparation of the annual indirect cost allocation reports in accordance with Federal Office of Management & Budget circular A-87. Total cost not to exceed $33,000 for 2 years and $34,000 for an additional option of 2 years” is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Finance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are authorized to enter into an Agreement or Agreements with Maximus Consulting Services, Inc. for the purpose of providing support services for the preparation of the annual indirect cost allocation reports in accordance with Federal Office of Management & Budget circular A-87. The contract period shall be for May 1, 2016 through December 31, 2019, with an option to extend for an additional two years. Total cost not to exceed a two year total of Thirty-Three Thousand dollars ($33,000) for budget years 2016 and 2017, and Thirty-Four Thousand dollars ($34,000) for budget years 2018 and 2019, if the option to extend is exercised and subject to appropriation.
Funds shall be paid from the following accounts:
2016-2017: $33,000.00 from 11101.107000.53.53901.2016, Item Number 1156
2018-2019: $34,000.00 from 11101.107000.53.53901.2018, Item Number 22222-30
Section 2. The contract(s) shall be approved by the City Solicitor as to form and substance.
Section 3. Any ordinance or Resolution or part thereof conflicting with the provisions of this Resolution is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this Resolution.