Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance to enter into an Agreement, Agreements, or Amendments with RGH Enterprises Inc. and Staples Contract & Commercial Inc. for the provision of computer hardware and peripherals for all city departments for a sum not to exceed $800,000 per year for 2018 and 2019, and $200,000 for 2020, totaling One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000) over the three-year period.
WHEREAS, the Department of Innovation & Performance is tasked with providing technical stewardship for the City of Pittsburgh; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Innovation & Performance is responsible for acquisition, deployment, and maintenance of computer hardware and peripherals for all City departments; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Innovation & Performance is working to consolidate PC hardware purchases into a single contract that will provide for standardization of PC hardware models and reduce overall cost of ownership for the City;
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor and the Director of the Department of Innovation & Performance, on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, are hereby authorized to enter into an Agreement, Agreements, or Amendments with RGH Enterprises Inc. and Staples Contract and Commercial Inc. for the provision of computer hardware and peripherals for all city departments for a sum not to exceed $800,000 per year for 2018 and 2019, and $200,000 for 2020, totaling One Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,800,000) over the three-year period. Future year authorization is subject to annual appropriation by City Council.
Funds shall be allocated as follows:
$800,000.00 from 11101.103000.57.57501.2018, Item Number 22222-42
$800,000.00 from 11101.103000.57.57501.2019, Item Number 22222-42
$200,000.00 from 11101.103000.57.57501.2020, Item Number 22222-42
Section 2. The Agreement or Agreements shall be approv...
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