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File #: 2018-0062    Version:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed Finally
File created: 1/29/2018 In control: Committee on Land Use and Economic Development
On agenda: 1/30/2018 Final action: 2/6/2018
Enactment date: 2/6/2018 Enactment #: 51
Effective date: 2/15/2018    
Title: Resolution amending Resolution No. 416 of 2015 for the Residential Parking Permit Program Area "KK" in the South Side Flats community (Council District #3) by removing certain addresses pursuant to Pittsburgh Code Chapter 549.
Sponsors: Bruce A. Kraus
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
2/15/20182 Mayor Signed by the Mayor  Action details Meeting details
2/6/20182 City Council Passed FinallyPass Action details Meeting details Video Video
1/31/20182 Standing Committee Affirmatively RecommendedPass Action details Meeting details
1/31/20182 Standing Committee Affirmatively Recommended as AmendedPass Action details Meeting details
1/31/20182 Standing Committee AMENDEDPass Action details Meeting details
1/31/20182 Standing Committee ReconsideredPass Action details Meeting details
1/31/20181   Affirmatively Recommended  Action details Meeting details Video Video
1/30/20181 City Council Read and referred  Action details Meeting details
1/30/20181 City Council Waived under Rule 8Pass Action details Meeting details Video Video


Resolution amending Resolution No. 416 of 2015 for the Residential Parking Permit Program Area “KK” in the South Side Flats community (Council District #3) by removing certain addresses pursuant to Pittsburgh Code Chapter 549.



Be it resolved by the council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:


Section 1. For the Area bounded by: Bingham Street, from S. 16th Street to S. 17th Street; East Carson Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street (odd number addresses only); Fox Way, from S. 17th Street to S. 24th Street; Merriman Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 22nd Street; Sidney Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street; Wharton Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 22nd Street; Wrights Way, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street; S. 16th Street, from East Carson Street to its terminus; S. 17th Street, from Bingham Street to its terminus; S. 18th Street, from E. Carson Street to the South Side Park Riverfront Park Access Road; S. 19th Street, from E. Carson Street to Merriman Street; S. 20th Street, from E. Carson Street to Wharton Street; S. 21st Street, from Sidney Street to Fox Way; S. 22nd Street, from Sidney Street to Wharton Street; S. 23rd Street, from E. Carson Street to Fox Way; S. 24th Street, from E. Carson Street to Fox Way; S. 25th Street, from E. Carson Street to Sidney Street (even number addresses only).




Section 1. For the Area bounded by: Bingham Street, from S. 16th Street to S. 17th Street; East Carson Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street (odd number addresses only); Fox Way, from S. 17th Street to S. 24th Street; Merriman Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 22nd Street; Merriman Way, from S. 18th Street to S. 22nd Street; Sidney Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street; Wharton Street, from S. 17th Street to S. 22nd Street; Wrights Way, from S. 17th Street to S. 25th Street; S. 16th Street, from East Carson Street to its terminus; S. 17th Street, from Bingham Street to its terminus; S. 18th Street, from E. Carson Street to the South Side Park Riverfront Park Access Road; S. 19th Street, from E. Carson Street to Merriman Street; S. 20th Street, from E. Carson Street to Wharton Street; S. 21st Street, from Sidney Street to Fox Way; S. 22nd Street, from Sidney Street to Wharton Street; S. 22nd, from Wrights Way to Sidney Street (even number addresses only); S. 23rd Street, from E. Carson Street to Fox Way; S. 24th Street, from E. Carson Street to Fox Way; S. 25th Street, from E. Carson Street to Sidney Street (even number addresses only).