Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning Map, by changing from R2-L, Residential Two-Family Low Density, to R1D-M R1A-M, Residential Single-Unit Density, Moderate Density, in South Point Breeze Neighborhood.
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh Code, Title Nine, Zoning, Article I, Section 902.03 Zoning Map, by changing from R2-L, Residential Two-Family Low Density, to R1D-M R1A-M, Residential Single-Unit Density, Moderate-Density, those properties bounded by 5th Avenue from the western and front boundary of the property identified as Block 125-N, Lot 109 in the Allegheny County Block and Lot System, to Hastings Street; Hastings Street to Juniata Place; Juniata Place to South Linden Avenue; South Linden Street to Reynolds Street; Reynolds Street to Lacy Way; Lacy Way to Light Way; Light Way to the rear boundary of the parcel identified as Block 85-M, Lot 237, the rear boundary of the parcel identified as Block 25-M, Lot 237 to Fennimore Street, Fennimore Street to Gettysburg Street, Gettysburg Street to the rear boundary of the parcel identified as Block 85-H, Lot 48, the rear boundary of the parcel identified as Block 85-H, Lot 48 to the rear and side boundary of the parcel identified as Block 12-E, Lot 16, the rear and side boundary of Block 12-E, Lot 16 to Hastings Street at the front and side boundary of the parcel identified as Block 126-E, Lot 78, Hastings Street to Kingston Way, Kingston Way to Selwyn Street, and Selwyn Street to 5th Avenue from the side boundary of the parcel identified as Block 126-A, Lot 108 to the western and front boundary of the parcel identified as Block 126-A, Lot 109; 14th Ward.