Resolution amending the Rules of Council, to add a new subsection to Rule XI Invoices to reflect new purchasing approval processes for P-Cards and bid commodity contracts and by making a technical change in Section VI Standing Committee Meetings.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Rules of Council are hereby amended by adding additional language to Rule XI Invoices subsection B. P-Cards and adding a new subsection C to Rule XI Invoices to reflect new purchasing approval process for bid commodity contracts and P-Cards:
B. P-Cards: Invoices for Purchase Card (P-Cards) purchases shall appear on the standing committee agenda on a separate list in a form approved by the President of Council.
1. An invoice for P-Card purchases will not be deemed approved until it has received an affirmative vote of a majority of members.
2. City Council will have the discretion to:
a. hold any item(s) on the P-Card agenda through a majority vote. The item(s) will appear at the next available standing committee meeting.
b. delete any item(s) on the P-Card agenda through a majority vote.
c. refer any item(s) to the P-Card dispute resolution committee.
3. Council Members and Council staff purchases using P-Cards are subject to the provisions of Rule X. Council Expenditures.
C. Bid commodity contracts, per section 161.01of the City code shall appear on the standing committee agenda on a separate list in a form approved by the President of Council.
1. A contract bid will not be deemed approved until after it has received an affirmative vote of a majority of members.
2. City Council will have the discretion to:
a. hold any item(s) on the Bid Contract agenda through a majority vote. The item(s) may appear at the next standing committee meeting.
b. delete any item(s) on the Bid Contract agenda through a majority vote.
SECTION 1. There shall be the following standing committees.
Committee on Land Use and Economic Development, which shall have charge of and jurisdiction over all ordinances, resolutions, bills, or papers affecting or pertaining to:
1. Art Commission
2. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
3. Conditional Use Permits
4. Department of Community Affairs (DCA) funding
5. Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) funding
6. Department of City Planning
7. Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (PLI)
8. Mapping and GIS
9. Historic Review Commission
10. Market Based Revenue Opportunities (MBRO)
11. Neighborhood Initiatives
12. Riverfront Development
13. Small Business Initiatives
14. Transportation Planning
15. Zoning
16. Sustainability Initiatives
Committee on Innovation, Performance and Asset Management, which shall have charge of and jurisdiction over all ordinances, resolutions, bills, papers and other matters relating to:
1. 311 Response Center
2. Cable Bureau
3. City Asset Inventory & Management
4. Department of Innovation and Performance (I&P)
5. Facilities Inventory and Management
6. Fleet Maintenance, Repair and Alteration
7. Purchasing and Contracts
8. Information Technology
9. Data collection and analysis
10. Operational Performance Targets
11. Sustainability Initiatives