WHEREAS, For decades, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has hosted a Summer Reading Program in the City of Pittsburgh to support literacy and learning and prevent summer learning loss; and,
WHEREAS, in 2016, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh challenged the City of Pittsburgh to read 90,000 books during the summer of 2016; and,
WHEREAS, readers far exceeded the 90,000 goal by reading an additional 60,244 books for a total of 150,244 books between June 5 and August 31; and,
WHEREAS, 14,753 children, teens and adults registered to participate in the 2016 Summer Reading Program; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh children and teen librarians presented a variety of fun-filled programs and activities to 21,606 children and teens at libraries across Pittsburgh during the summer months; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh partnered with numerous local organizations to provide unique learning experiences for children and families during the summer including Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Carnegie Science Center, National Aviary, Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse, Mad Science of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, and Pittsburgh Puppet Works, among others; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh participated in the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Summer Dreamers Academy over four weeks to provide elementary and middle school students with hands-on, literacy-based activities; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh created thematic story times for Pittsburgh Public Schools’ Kindergarten Readiness Program held at six schools during the month of August; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh provided The Labs Summer Skills Intensives for teens in grades 6-12 at five neighborhood library locations to help students built creative skills in photojournalism, street art, outdoor painting and songwriting and music production; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh participated the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County’s Learn and Earn Summer Youth Employment Program by hosting seven outstanding teen interns who assisted with library customer service and community outreach activities; and,
WHEREAS, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh actively engages people of all ages in lifelong learning during the summer months and all year round; and,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby congratulate Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and all those who participated in the Summer Reading Program for their exceptional level of participation in the summer of 2016; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, December 6th, to be “Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Summer Reading Program Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.