Resolution vacating a portion of North Shore Drive, in the 21st Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh.
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition and affidavit on file in the Office of the City Clerk that
the owners of all the property fronting or abutting on the line of North Shore Drive in the 21st
Ward, 6th Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, have petitioned the council of the City of
Pittsburgh to enact a resolution for the vacation of same; and
WHEREAS, said petition contains inter-alia, an indemnification of the city from any claims and
from the payment of any damages whatsoever resulting to any properties owned by the petitioner
or by any persons whatsoever, abutting or non-abutting, for or by reason of said vacation; and
WHEREAS, the right-of way is not serving a public right-of way purpose; therefore
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
All that certain portion of North Shore Drive, to be vacated, situate in the 21st Ward, 6th Council
District of the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, being more particularly
bound and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly right of way line of North Shore Drive, 70.00 feet
wide, at the line dividing Parcel A in the Majestic Star Casino Consolidation Plan, as recorded in
the Department of Real Estate of the County of Allegheny, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
Plan Book Volume 260, page 136 and lands now or formerly of the City of Pittsburgh; thence
from said point of beginning by the southwesterly right of way line of said North Shore Drive the
following four (4) courses and distances:
in a northwesterly direction by a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 335.00 feet through
an arc distance of 82.37 feet, also having a chord bearing of N 53° 05' 03" W and a chord
distance of 82.16 feet to a point of compound curvature;
in a northwesterly direction by a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 1,523.59 feet
through an arc distance of 214.95 feet to a point of compound curvature;
in a northerly direction by a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 335.00 feet through and
arc distance of 140.33 feet to a point of tangency;
N 13° 57' 23" W a distance of 94.11 feet to a point on the southerly required right of line of said
North Shore Drive;
thence by the southerly required right of way line of said North Shore Drive in a southeasterly
direction by a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 295.00 feet through an arc distance of
136.50 feet more or less, also having a chord bearing of S 45° 31' 44" E and a chord distance of 135.30 feet more or less to a point on the northeasterly right of way line of North Shore Drive;
thence by the northeasterly right of way line of North Shore Drive in a southerly direction by a
curve bearing to the left having a radius of 265.00 feet through an arc distance of 89.81 feet, also
having a chord bearing of S 28° 14' 55" E and a chord distance of 89.38 feet; thence by same in
a southerly direction by a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 1,453.59 feet through an arc
distance of 157.15 feet to a point at northerly intersection of the northeasterly right of way line
of North Shore Drive and the southwesterly right of way line of Sproat Way, 39.00 feet wide;
thence by the northeasterly right of way line of North Shore Drive S 21 ° 25' 06" E a distance of
45.54 feet to a point at the southerly intersection of the southeasterly right of way line of North
Drive and the southerly right of way line of said Sproat Way; thence by the southeasterly right of
way line of North Shore Drive S 45° 51' 23" W a distance of 16.81 feet to a point on the
northeasterly right of way of North Shore Drive; thence by the northeasterly right of way of
North Shore Drive in a southeasterly direction by a curve bearing to the left having a radius of
1,488.59 feet through an arc distance of 7.07 feet, also having a chord bearing of S 45° 54' 16" E
and a chord distance of 7.07 feet to a point; thence by same in a southeasterly direction by a
curve bearing to the left having a radius of 300.00 feet through an arc distance of 73.76 feet to a
point on the southeasterly right of way line of North Shore Drive; thence by the southeasterly
right of way line of North Shore Drive S 29° 52' 19" W a distance of 35.00 feet to a point on the
southwesterly right of way line of North Shore Drive, at the line dividing Parcel A in said
Majestic Star Casino Consolidation Plan and lands now or formerly of the City of Pittsburgh, at
the point of beginning.
Containing an area of approximately 27,509 square feet or 0.632 acre, in the 21st Ward, 6th
Council District of the City of Pittsburgh, as described above shall be and the same is hereby
Section 2.
This resolution, however, shall not take effect or be of any force or validity unless owners of all the property fronting or abutting on North Shore Drive as vacated by this resolution, shall, within sixty days (60) after the effective date of this resolution, pay into the Treasury of the City of Pittsburgh the sum of Two hundred seventeen thousand, two hundred eight dollars ($217,208.00), use of the City of Pittsburgh.