Resolution amending Resolution No. 455 of 2016 authorizing the Mayor, Director of Office of Management and Budget and the Chief of Police/Director of Public Safety, to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, into a Lease Agreement or Agreements with the Community College of Allegheny County for the use of certain property primarily for the purpose of conducting training and education of police recruits, in order to fund police recruits' access to CCAC's fitness center. Said Amendment shall be at a cost not to exceed One-Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($150,000.00), raising the overall cost of the Lease Agreement(s) to Two Million Three-Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three-Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ($2,313,366.88) and shall be for a term of three years with three annual options thereafter to renew upon the same terms.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Resolution amending Resolution No. 455 of 2016 authorizing the Mayor, Director of Office of Management and Budget and the Chief of Police/Director of Public Safety, to enter on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh, into an Amended Lease Agreement or Agreements with the Community College of Allegheny County for the use of certain property located at 900 N. Lincoln Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 primarily for the purpose of conducting training and education of police recruits. Said Amendment(s) to Lease Agreement(s) shall be at a cost not to exceed One-Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($150,000.00), raising the overall cost of the Lease Agreement(s) to Two Million Three-Hundred Thirteen Thousand Three-Hundred Sixty-Six Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ($2,313,366.88) and shall be for a term of three years with three annual options thereafter to renew upon the same terms. Rent payments due under said Lease Agreement(s) shall be chargeable to and payable from the following account codes:
Base Rent:
$141,173.40 (8/1/16 - ...
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