WHEREAS, Food Day, a national event celebrated throughout the United States, works to inspire Americans to bring change to their diets and our food policies at the local, state and federal level; and,
WHEREAS, Food Day raises important questions concerning food systems and policies in our nation about nutritional education, sustainable agriculture, food access and hunger, and farm and food service worker rights; and,
WHEREAS, as the first Live Well Allegheny Community, the City of Pittsburgh values the health and wellness of residents, and recognizes the importance of a healthy diet; and,
WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Food Policy Council convenes over 65 food-related stakeholders to examine, develop and improve our city and region’s food system and hosts Pittsburgh Food Day; and,
WHEREAS, Pittsburgh Food Day brings awareness to these important issues this year by connecting eating with civic engagement by hosting Sunday Supper, a community dinner that will celebrate our region’s work towards a more just and sustainable food system; and,
WHEREAS, this year’s Food Day Sunday Supper is a free, family-friendly community meal for 500 people, all crafted from local ingredients with partners 412 Food Rescue and Community Kitchen Pittsburgh, during which a community-driven discussion on food related issues will occur with neighborhood leaders, PFPC members and policymakers; and,
WHEREAS, this event as part of the City of Pittsburgh’s Bicentennial Celebration will be held on Grant Street in front of the City-County Building on October 16, 2016 from 2 pm to 5 pm; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend Pittsburgh Food Policy Council for their work to bring awareness to food issues via Food Day; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, October 11th, 2016 to be “Food Day” in the City of Pittsburgh.