Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh City Code, Title 4: Public Place and Property, Article I: Public Rights-Of-Way, Chapter 412 - Users of the Public Rights-Of-Way; by amending language to Sections 412.01, 412.02, 412.03 and 412.08.
WHEREAS, the duties of managing and maintaining telecommunications users of the public rights-of-way were originally vested in the Department of City Information Services, and said Department is now the Department of Innovation and Performance; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works will now assume the duties of managing and maintaining telecommunications users of the public rights-of-way,
The Council of the City of Pittsburgh hereby enacts as follows:
Section 1. Amending the Pittsburgh City Code, Title 4: Public Place and Property, Article I: Public Rights-Of-Way, Chapter 412 - Users of the Public Rights-Of-Way; by amending language to Sections 412.01, 412.02, 412.03 and 412.08 as follows:
(a) The Director of the Department of Public Works, or that Director's designated representative, shall serve as the single point of contact within the City for all persons regulated under this article.
(b) The Director of the Department of Public Works shall coordinate all contacts with other City Departments as necessary to facilitate issuance of any and all permits and registrations required by the Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances.
(c) The Director of the Department of Public Works shall prepare policies and forms as necessary for the implementation of this chapter.
? 412.02 - USE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY.
(a) No person shall enter upon, over or under, or use or occupy any public street, bridge, sidewalk or other public way for the purpose of providing telecommunications, cable, or information services, [or ]public utilities, or other services without first filing a bond, registering and obtaining a permit from the Director of...
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