Ordinance amending the Pittsburgh City Code at Title 6: Conduct, Article III: Dogs, Cats and Other Animals, Chapter 636 Wild Animals, by adding a new section at 636.06, “Prohibiting the capture and harm of any wild birds.”
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1.
The Pittsburgh Code of Ordinances, Title Six - Conduct, Article III, Dogs, Cats and Other Animals, Chapter 636 Wild Animals, is hereby amended by adding a new section 636.06, “Prohibiting the capture and harm of any wild birds.”
§ 636.06 - Prohibiting the capture and harm of any wild birds
a. No person shall harm any wild bird.
b. No person shall capture or trap any wild bird unless they possess the proper permits and/or licenses, or it is for the purpose of rescuing an injured bird.