WHEREAS, the Jameson Family name is well known throughout District 2 namely Westwood where Ralph (Guggi) Jameson and his wife Laura began the rich family history having six sons; Rick, Mike, John, Mark, Joe and Jimmy who have since started families of their own; and,
WHEREAS, Ralph and Laura taught their children the values of loyalty, devotion, respect and dedication which is why the family is so close knit and committed to their community; and,
WHEREAS, the Jameson family members have volunteered their time in various areas of district 2, such as the Crafton Heights United Presbyterian Church, D2 Dec Hockey, Westwood School and the West End Pulaski Club, but most notable is the Westwood/Oakwood Baseball organization where they have served on the board of the organization, and volunteered coaching and mentoring children to be the best they can be on and off the field; and,
WHEREAS, in addition, the Jameson family recently got involved with the Elliott/West End soccer program and have been active members in their respective communities; and,
WHEREAS, sadly, the Jameson family lost Rick Jameson, a City of Pittsburgh Firefighter and strong member of the union and we honor him for his bravery; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend the Jameson Family for their unselfish dedication to making a difference in District 2 and the City of Pittsburgh; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Tuesday, February 25, 2014, to be "Jameson Family Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.
The genealogy of the Jameson Family: Ralph and Laura Jameson; Rick and Diane Jameson, children Rick and Andy; Mike and Kitty Jameson, children Mikey, Brandy, Chuck, and Dave; John and Louise Jameson, children Amy, Johnny, and Danny; Mark and Kelly Jameson, children Mark and Matt; Joe and Christine Jameson, children Joe, Sean and Nick and...
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