Presented by Mr. Shields
Resolution amending Resolution No. 730, effective December 14, 2005, entitled, "Resolution providing that the City of Pittsburgh enter into a professional services Contract/s for the purposes of insuring that on-going medical care is provided to City of Pittsburgh employees who require treatment for service related injuries and/or illnesses under the Pennsylvania Workers' Compensation Act, plus Administrative Costs for Year 1 of service"; so as to increase the amount by $ 368,894.00, from $4,034,436 $4,307,436 to $ 4,403,330 $4,676,330.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. Amending Resolution No. 730, effective December 14, 2005, entitled, "Resolution providing that the Mayor and the Acting Director of the Department of Personnel and Civil Service Commission are hereby authorized to increase the amount of compensation for Medical Services Agreement for Worker's Compensation with UPMC WorkPartners for Year 1 of service"; by increasing the amount by Three Hundred Sixty Eight Thousand, Eight Hundred Ninety Four Dollars ($368,894.00) from $4,034,436 $4,307,436 to $ 4,403,330 $4,676,330. This amount shall be chargeable to and payable from Code Account 44-9, Employee Expense Workers' Compensation Program Medical, Index Code 004499, Account 5711100, Fund 8170 1000, Organization 999300, Sub Class 600 040 and Budget Year 2006, Department of Personnel and Civil Service. The Contract or Contracts shall be approved as to form and substance by the City Solicitor.