WHEREAS, Cantaloupe Day began in 1935, when Dean James Underwood of Bethel Baptist Unity Day Church in Braddock, Pennsylvania visited a friend at Woodville State Hospital; and
WHEREAS, he brought his friend a cantaloupe, and the friend shared this cantaloupe with his roommate and the two enjoyed the melon so much that Dean Underwood returned the following year with cantaloupes for all the patients at Woodville State Hospital; and
WHEREAS, the tradition then expanded to Mayview State Hospital, then to the Livingston Home for the Aged, then to John J. Kane Hospital, and finally to the four Kane Regional Centers located in Allegheny County; and
WHEREAS, continuing Dean Underwood's tradition, members of the Bethel Baptist Unity Day Church honor Cantaloupe Day every third Sunday in August; and
WHEREAS, on that Sunday, volunteers gather to deliver cantaloupes to the Ross Township, Scott Township, Glen Hazel, and McKeesport Kane Regional Centers and the cantaloupes are the centerpiece of a noonday feast.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend the members of Bethel Baptist Unity Day Church for the work they do in preserving this tradition; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby declare Sunday, August 15, 2010 to be "Cantaloupe Day" in the City of Pittsburgh.