Presented by Mr. O'Connor
Resolution providing for the acceptance by the City of Pittsburgh from Dan P. Lipsky of certain property in the 10th ward of the City of Pittsburgh for public purpose and addition to the Allegheny River Greenway at the cost of the City of Pittsburgh.
Be it resolved by the Council of the City of Pittsburgh as follows:
Section 1. The Mayor, the Director of the Department of Finance and the Director of Parks and Recreation on behalf of the City of Pittsburgh are authorized to accept a deed from Dan P. Lipsky conveying recent land in the 10th ward of the City of Pittsburgh to become part of the Allegheny River Greenway and Overlook.
This property is described as follows:
All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the 10th Ward of the City of Pittsburgh, County of Allegheny and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, being parts of lot No's 232 and 233 in the John H. Sawyer plan of lots, as recorded in the Allegheny County Department of Real Estate in plan both volume 6 page 34, more fully founded and described as follows:
Beginning at upfront on the North Side of Baker Street 70.38 feet East from the Northeast corner of Baker Street and Morningside Avenue and then extending in an Easterly direction along the Northerly side of Baker Street South 700 56' East 14.07 feet to a point; thence extending in a Northerly direction North 190 04' East 100 feet a point on the Southern side of Ballard Way; Thence extending in a Westerly direction along the Southerly side of Ballard Way North 700 56' West 14.07 feet to a point; Thence extending in a Southerly direction South 190 04' West 100 feet to a point on Baker Street at the PLACE OF THE BEGINNING, Containing 1407 Square feet of area. Being designed as Block 121-F, Lot 86 A in the Deed Registry Office of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Being the same property conveyed to Dan P. Lipsky by deed from Anthony B. Vacchiano and Margaret Vacchiano, husband and wi...
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