Resolution authorizing the Mayor and the Director of the Department of City Planning to accept funds from TRYING TOGETHER in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) provided as a gift towards artist's fee for design, fabrication and installation of a Public Art project in the recently renovated Elizabeth Park with address at Gloster St. (Block & Lot 56-K-68); and
WHEREAS, the City's Public Art Plan provides a vision of how public art will be created, maintained, and displayed in the City of Pittsburgh for the next decade and calls for the integration of art into the "build environment" as an element of urban and building design as a means of reinforcing public gathering places, infrastructure, neighborhoods, and communities; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art and Civic Design Division seeks for partnerships that can support the creation of art elements in all infrastructure that is built within Pittsburgh's borders; and
WHEREAS, TRYING TOGETHER supports high-quality of life for young children by providing advocacy, community resources, and professional growth opportunities for the needs and rights of children, their families, and the individuals who interact with them; and
WHEREAS, the City agree to accept ownership of the artwork to be created for Elizabeth Park which will enhance the neighborhood and will benefit the public; and
WHEREAS, the Public Art and Civic Design Division will administer the art selection process for the Elizabeth Park Art Project and will work with the Office of Management and Budget to release a Request for Proposals to solicit artists, designers, and creative collectives to submit proposals; and
WHEREAS, the amount received by TRYING TOGETHER will be deposited into the Grants Trust Fund account: 1129400259.48106.00
WHEREAS, all the monies due for the Elizabeth Park Art project will be payable out to the artists, designers, or collectives from the Grants Trust Fund account 1129400259.50000.00.
Be it resolved by ...
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